Finding Resources in the Campus Sustainability Hub

About the Hub

The Campus Sustainability Hub is an online resource library that allows users to connect, share, and learn about sustainability in higher education. AASHE members have full access to all resources in the Hub, while non-members can access some content. This document outlines how to search, browse and use filters.

Search and Browse

  1. Search: Have specific search words or phrases in mind? A search box appears in the top right hand section of every page in the Hub. Search is ideal when you have a specific topic in mind and would like to view everything related to that topic (e.g., “bottled water”).
  2. Browse All: Want to view all available resources to browse or filter results? A “Browse All” button appears next to the search box. This is ideal for quickly accessing all resources and using filters to narrow down your results (e.g., to find all resources related to a particular institution, select “browse all” and then use the “Organization(s)” filter to populate the institution name).
  3. Browse by Topic or Content Type: Interested in a specific sustainability topic (e.g., Water) or type of resource (e.g. publications)? The Hub home page allows users to “Browse by Topic” and “Browse by Content Type” to access specific collections of resources. Users will first see a summary page and can opt to view a list of relevant resources from there. (See subsequent sections on Browsing.)

Hub Home

Browse by Topic

This option is ideal for users wishing to find resources on a general sustainability topic such as Curriculum, Water, Campus Engagement, or Investment & Finance. A single resource can be tagged with up to three sustainability topics. Each sustainability topic page includes the following sections:

  1. Toolkit tab - Features curated content selected by AASHE staff, latest news from the AASHE Bulletin and a list of the recent resources.
  2. Resources tab - A “one-stop-shop” for all resources. Users can filter and sort resources by location, organization, content type, date posted and more.
  3. STARS Data tab - Links to STARS data displays relevant to the topic.
  4. Partners tab - Highlights AASHE business and nonprofit members that offer products and services related to the topic.

Topics Page

Browse by Content Type

This option is ideal for users interested in specific resource types (e.g., academic programs, conference presentations, publications, outreach materials). Each content type page has a Summary tab that includes a count of total number of resources, a list of new resources and clickable charts and maps. Like the topic pages described above, each content type page also has a Resources tab which enables users to filter and sort resources by location, organization, content type, date posted and more.


Every list of resources in the Hub includes a Filters pane on the left side of the page to drill down to specific information. Here are some examples of what you can do with filters:

  1. Generate a list of all resources related to a particular theme, or “tag.” Begin by clicking “Browse All” at the top right section of any page, then under Filters, begin typing a preferred theme in the “Tag(s)” field.
  2. Identify all resources related to a single organization. Begin by clicking “Browse All” at the top right section of any page, then type the organization name in the “Organization(s)” tab.
  3. Identify resources for a specific geographical area. Use the “Country/ies” filter. Selecting “Canada” or “United States of America” will display provinces and states for further refinement.
  4. Generate a list of resources created in a particular year. Use the “Year created, published, or presented” filter.

Filters Page

Tips for Filtering

  • Text-based filters for Tag(s) and Organization(s) include an auto-complete feature. For example, typing “college park” under the Organization(s) filter brings up “University of Maryland, College Park”.
  • Filters can be used in combination. For example, selecting “Alabama” as the state and “Case Studies” as the Content Type will generate a list of only those Case Studies that include an organization in Alabama.
  • The Filters section allows you to toggle between list view (all resources) and gallery view (only resources with associated images).


For more information about submitting resources, membership benefits of the Hub, and more, refer to About the Hub and Submission Guidelines. If you would like additional support in navigating the Campus Sustainability Hub or have any questions, please email