Green Power Projects


AASHE's Higher Education Green Power Projects Database includes both on-campus renewable energy installations as well as power purchase agreements for renewable energy generated off-site.

At a Glance

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842 resources

8.4 kW Concentrating Photovoltaic Array

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The 6 x 7 metre Solar Focus, or Concentrating Array, has 560 parabolic mirror units that target and concentrate sunlight several hundred-fold onto high efficiency, triple junction solar cells.

A …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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51.5 Roof Top Mount Colin Clark Building

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Colin Clark building has been fitted with a 51.5 kWp solar PV system.

With this installation, all suitable building rooftops within the commerce precinct of the St Lucia campus …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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34.32 kW Roof Top Mount Axon Building

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Axon Building (No. 47) is now part of the wider sustainable energy network at UQ.

With most of its T8 light fittings retrofitted with energy saving LEDs and the …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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95.75 kW Roof Top Mount Advanced Engineering Building

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Advanced Engineering Building (AEB) achieves a high standard in ecological sustainability.

The energy efficient mixed-mode air conditioning system allows natural ventilation during cooler periods supplemented with tempered air, precooled …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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3.8 MW Roof Top Mount Village Market

  • Kenyon College (OH)

Students from Kenyon College's Solar Power Systems class flipped the switch on the campus' newest solar power array, which was installed on the south-facing roof of the Village Market.

The …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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19.2 kW PV Solar Array Kenyon Farm

  • Kenyon College (OH)

The Kenyon Farm hosts a 19.2 kilowatt (kW) photovoltaic solar array which is mounted to the western side of the barn. The project was developed by the Office of Green …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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81 kW Roof Top Mount Kresge Centennial Hall

  • Northwestern University (IL)

Originally constructed in 1954, Kresge Centennial Hall was renovated to create a modern, comfortable, healthy, and green work and study environment for students, faculty, and staff. Renewable energy was also …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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25 kW Pole-Mounted PV Systems Crop and Animal Research and Education Center

  • University of Massachusetts Amherst (MA)

Since 2010, the UMass Amherst Crop and Animal Research and Education Center in South Deerfield, MA, has been home to a ground-mounted solar photovoltaic array. The 106-panel, 25-kilowatt PV is …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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336 kW Solar Canopies: Robsham Visitor Center

  • University of Massachusetts Amherst (MA)

In 2015, the university installed three large solar photovoltaic parking canopies at the Robsham Memorial Center for Visitors, which are capable of producing an estimated 330,000 kilowatt hours of power …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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5.5 MW:15,000+ Solar Panels on 5 Buildings & 2 Parking Lots

  • University of Massachusetts Amherst (MA)

In 2017, UMass Amherst installed over 15,000 photovoltaic panels across campus, providing 5.5 megawatts (DC) of clean electrical power for the campus to use for a heavily discounted rate. The …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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56.1 kW Roof Top Mount Science and Engineering Building

  • College of Lake County (IL)

CLC has 187 solar PV panels (56.1 kW) on its Science and Engineering Building. 5,127 kWh of electricity was produced in 2019.

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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540 kW Roof Top Mount: Donald E. Young Center

  • Black Hills State University (SD)

Donald E. Young Sports & Fitness Center: 540.36 kW DC - 1,422 solar panels

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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36 kW Roof Top Mount Facilities Services Building

  • Black Hills State University (SD)

Facilities Services Building: 35.64 kW DC - 108 solar panels

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137 kW Roof Top Mount: EY Berry Library-Learning Centers

  • Black Hills State University (SD)

E.Y. Berry Library-Learning Centers: 136.8 kW DC - 360 solar panels

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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82 kW Roof Top Mount Life Sciences Building

  • Black Hills State University (SD)

Kathryn Johnson Life Sciences Laboratory: 82.1 kW DC - 216 solar panels

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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70 kW Roof Top Mount Bordeaux Hall

  • Black Hills State University (SD)

There are approximately 2,500+ solar panels installed on Bordeaux Hall, Thomas Hall, Life Science, Library, Facilities Services, & Donald Young Center Rooftops. They produce just over 1MW replacing 15% of …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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69 kW Roof Top Mount Thomas Hall

  • Black Hills State University (SD)

There are approximately 2,500+ solar panels installed on Bordeaux Hall, Thomas Hall, Life Science, Library, Facilities Services, & Donald Young Center Rooftops. They produce just over 1MW replacing 15% of …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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2.5 kW Solar PV System Natural History Museum

  • Cal Poly Humboldt (CA)

A 2.5 kW system on the Natural History Museum.

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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2.5 kW Solar PV System Campus Center for Appropriate Technology

  • Cal Poly Humboldt (CA)

A 2.5 kW system on the Campus Center for Appropriate Technology.

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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12.5 kW Solar PV System Music A Building

  • Cal Poly Humboldt (CA)

A 12.5 kW system on the Music A building.

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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20 kW Solar Roof Top Mount Schatz Energy Research Center

  • Cal Poly Humboldt (CA)

A new 20 kW system on top of the Schatz Energy Research Center installed in September 2018.

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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9 kW Solar PV Roof Top Mount South Hall

  • Bard College (NY)

9kW roof-top photovoltaic array installed in 2014.

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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280 kW Solar PV Ground Athletic Fields

  • Bard College (NY)

280 kW ground-mount photovoltaic array installed in 2013.

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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4 kW Roof Top Mount Office of Sustainability

  • Gonzaga University (WA)

The Office of Sustainability has a 4 KWH array solar panels installed on its roof to generate and mitigate electricity that was installed in 2018.

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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Solar Wall - Distance Learning Facility

  • Northern Arizona University (AZ)

When project architect Burns Wald-Hopkins Shambach Architects started work on the new Distance Learning Facility at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ, they were targeting a LEED® silver rating. In …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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163 kW Solar Field

  • Northern Arizona University (AZ)

NAU’s solar field on-campus was generously donated by NAU’s utility company, APS. The system was installed in 2007 to accompany the LEED Platinum certification of the Applied Research and Development …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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Solar Thermal System

  • Northern Arizona University (AZ)

NAU’s first on-campus solar thermal air panel system was installed in 2014 through a Green Fund proposal. The six-panel system was installed on the south side of the Property Surplus …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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12.6 kW Solar PV Solar Hot Air and Solar PV at Construction Management

  • Northern Arizona University (AZ)

This Green Fund proposal for $20,774 was granted to install five hot air heaters and six PV solar panels to be installed on the Construction Management Lab. This project works …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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652 kW Canopy Array: San Francisco Garage

  • Northern Arizona University (AZ)

This is a 561.6 kW array and is expected to produce over 921,858 kilowatt hours annually. The canopies are designed to provide shade to 155 parking spaces and the entire …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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2.4 kW Wind Turbines: HRM, ARD and Solar Shack

  • Northern Arizona University (AZ)

The campus has multiple wind turbines; one 2.4 kWh in front of the Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRM) building, one 2.4 kWh turbine next to the Applied Research and Development …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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35 kW Solar PV International Pavilion

  • Northern Arizona University (AZ)

Located on the roof of the NAU International Pavilion is a 35 kw solar panel array system. The building was designed to use less electricity than what can be generated …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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561.6 kW Solar PV San Francisco Garage

  • Northern Arizona University (AZ)

This is a 561.6 kW array and is expected to produce over 921,858 kilowatt hours annually. The canopies are designed to provide shade to 155 parking spaces and the entire …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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500 kW PPA WELL System and Library South System

  • California State University, Sacramento (CA)

Sac State entered into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for Photovoltaics (PV), at two locations on campus for renewable energy produced at a fixed rate of $0.1086/kWh for a 20 …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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4.32 kW Roof Top Mount Benedum Hall

  • University of Pittsburgh (PA)

Benedum Hall boasts a 4.32 kW photovoltaic installation on its roof, which was installed in 2012. This photovoltaic (PV) array is for research purposes, including 18 solar PV panels at …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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123 kW Rooftop Solar: Raithby House, Thornbrough, Guelph Centre for Urban Organic Farming

  • University of Guelph (ON)

123 kW Rooftop Solar PV - Raithby House, Thornbrough, Guelph Centre for Urban Organic Farming

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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6 MW Hydroelectric PPA Mahoning Creek Hydroelectric Company

  • Pennsylvania State University (PA)

In 2013, Penn State entered into a 10 year power purchase agreement with Mahoning Creek Hydroelectric Company.

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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2 MW Solar PPA Alternate Energy Development Group

  • Pennsylvania State University (PA)

A 25 year PPA with Alternate Energy Development Group (AEDG) for a 2 MW onsite solar array located on the University Park campus.

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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70 MW Solar PPA Lightsource BP

  • Pennsylvania State University (PA)

In 2019, Penn State entered into a 25 year Solar PPA with Lightsource BP. The University began taking power October 1, 2020.

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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8 kW Roof Mount MorningStar

  • Pennsylvania State University (PA)

An 8 kW array which is roof mounted onto our MorningStar home, which was PSU's 2007 entry into the Solar Decathlon. This array is mono-crystalline silicon panels with a grid-tied …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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5 kW Solar Array Physical Plant Building - Vehicle Charging Station

  • Pennsylvania State University (PA)

A 5 kW system located at the Physical Plant Building to offset a vehicle charging station for electric cars purchased as part of a Reinvention Fund grant through the Sustainability …

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7.28 kW Solar Roof Mount

  • Knox College (IL)

On-site renewable electricity is generated by a 7.28 kW solar panel.

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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43.8 kW Roof Top Mounts Multiple Locations

  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (NC)

Three rooftop solar installations on campus totaling 43.8 kw at the Frank Porter Graham Student Union, Bell Tower Parking Deck, and North Carolina Botanical Garden’s Education Center.

  • Posted July 20, 2021
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45 MW PPA Exoplexus

  • Macalester College (MN)

We purchase our renewable energy from a 45MW solar PV grid in Minnesota. It is owned by Ecoplexus and fed into Xcel Energy's portfolio.

  • Posted July 20, 2021
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4.5 mW Carport Canopies

  • California State University, Long Beach (CA)

The rows of high-reaching solar panels will provide 4.5 megawatts and supply one-third of the campus’ energy demands during peak periods. The new system also will add 44 electric vehicle …

  • Posted July 15, 2021
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2 mW PPA: Off-Site Solar Farm

  • Clark University (MA)

2 mW, 9 acre solar farm off-site in Charleton MA for which Clark receives the exclusive alternative PPA credits.

Through a state and federally supported program to encourage the development …

  • Posted July 15, 2021
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42 kW Alpine Garage and Field

  • University of Colorado Colorado Springs (CO)

There is a 42kW system on the Alpine Garage and Field. UCCS retains 17/42 of the attributes.

  • Posted July 15, 2021
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182 kW Gallogly Events Center

  • University of Colorado Colorado Springs (CO)

As of 10/3/2017, the University’s largest, on-site solar system was installed on Gallogly Events Center. It is a 182 kW photovoltaic system and it allows the Gallogly Events Center to …

  • Posted July 15, 2021
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6.5 kW: Facilities Management Building

  • California State University, Sacramento (CA)

Sac State installed a Photovoltaic (PV) system with a new car port located behind the Facilities Management building during the 2001-02 time frame. The car port is 108 Ft. long …

  • Posted July 15, 2021
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614 kW Solar Arrays - 4 Installations

  • Georgia Institute of Technology (GA)

Georgia Tech is a large user of power but we reduce the associated impacts by incorporating solar energy into many of our buildings. In total there are over 4,000 solar …

  • Posted July 15, 2021
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120 kW: Ivy Stacks Building

  • University of Virginia (VA)

The UVA-owned Ivy Stacks solar array was designed and installed by Sun Tribe Solar and aims to support the University’s sustainability and carbon-reduction goals.

The solar array came online in …

  • Posted July 15, 2021
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