Wellbeing & Work

639 resources

Up-Cycled Art

  • University of Vermont (VT)

University of Vermont Eco-Reps held an Up-Cycled Art Exhibit as part of our Earth Week. Students were tasked with creating art out of up-cycled objects. The opening reception ended off …

Keynote Speaker: Corrina Gould - Living on Ohlone Land

  • California State University, East Bay (CA)

Corrina Gould is the spokesperson for the Confederated Villages of Lisjan/Ohlone. She was born and raised in Oakland, CA, the territory of Huichuin. She is an activist that has worked …

Connecting Social and Natural Ecologies Through a Curriculum of Giving for Student Wellbeing and Engagement

  • Australian National University
  • University of Canberra

Using hermeneutic phenomenology to aid the reader ‘experience’ the data collected, this study reports on 18 college students, 4 staff members and the author's trip to a remote island on …

  • Posted April 29, 2019
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Union College Collaborates with the SEAT Center for an Environmental Justice Event

  • Union College - NY (NY)

Union College Students from Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. and SEAT Center collaborated on an event to provide free air filter installations, information on free weatherization, and registration for community …

  • Posted April 29, 2019
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Skills for Employment in the Environment Profession: Insights from Australia

  • RMIT University

Like other professionals, the skills expected to be exercised by those working in the professional environment and sustainability sector cover a wide range. There has been considerable discussion given to …

  • Posted Jan. 11, 2019
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Healthy Communities

  • Dallas College (TX)

Student activists at North Lake College researched tobacco usage on campus and how it affected students and faculty. Through activism the students were able to have their district pass a …

  • Posted Dec. 21, 2018
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Shaping Perceptions: Creative Explorations of Personal & Community Resiliency Through Art & Movement

  • College of Charleston (SC)

Life is stressful, and perception can hamper our ability to tackle our seemingly endless to-do lists. This workshop aims to equip participants with mechanisms to increase tolerance and productivity and …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Benefits of Incorporating Well-Being and Diversity Into Sustainability Master Planning

  • Verdis Group (NE)

Black Hills State University (BHSU) located in Spearfish, SD recently contracted with Verdis Group to complete a Sustainability Master Plan with goals set for 2030. Along with including robust environmental …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Sustaining our Communities Through Care and Action

  • Western Washington University (WA)

Sustainability is becoming more expansive; ideas about social and economic justice and human health are becoming integrated into the environmental field. But is this holistic ideal replicated in the way …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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A Primer on Living Wage Policies and Just Employment

  • Saint Joseph's University (PA)

This session provides an introduction to living wage policies and just employment principles, applicable not only in higher education, but in any form of organization. Intended for attendees seeking an …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Stay Rad Post Grad: Finding Your Path After College

  • Post-Landfill Action Network (NH)

Are you graduating? Are you panicking? Or maybe you know exactly what you want to do, but it's just a matter of making it happen. Join the PLAN staff (with …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Well-Being for All, Sustainably at Dawson College

  • Dawson College (QC)

Institutes of higher education may be populated with many people, but they can be lonely places for staff and students alike. Stress is also prevalent in our schools. An ever-increasing …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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This Justice In: Updated Results From the Living Wage Policy Study

  • Saint Joseph's University (PA)

This session will provide the most recent results from the Living Wage Policy Study, a five-year multi-phase research project exploring the prevalence and nature and living wage policies in American …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Innovation: Creating a new Minor in Somatic Sustainability at Appalachian State University

  • Appalachian State University (NC)

Awakening somatic intelligence and understanding sustainable body practices are important aspects of an enlarged conversation of sustainability. As a part of that dialogue, we have created a new minor in …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Secrets to Success for Your Career and Your Campus in Sustainability

  • U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development

Do you want tips to create a great career in sustainability? Do you also want to create more positive impacts on campus and beyond? Do you want to be a …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Adaptation and Resilience in Sustaining Ourselves - A Micro-Retreat

  • Macalester College (MN)
  • University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (MN)

Join sustainability professionals across Minnesota in discovering how a model of stepping away from our various institutions, discovering common challenges and building cross-institution relationships helps us sustain ourselves. The planning …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Redefining Sustainable Campuses and Development Through the Lens of Health and Wellness

  • Consigli Construction Co., Inc. (MA)

Our understanding of how the built environment impacts health and wellness has increased significantly in recent years; however, the human and social elements of sustainability are frequently given less attention …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Sustainability and the Global Nitrogen Cycle: Water Quality Issues.

  • University of Northern Iowa (IA)

Dr. Zeman has been researching and educating about both the acute and chronic health effects of nitrate in drinking water for 20 years. This talk will look at issues covered …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Living Housed, Healthily and Happily: Conceptualizing Disparaging Circumstances in Queer Communities

  • College of Charleston (SC)

The data and implications aim to identify the meaning of social sustainability while highlighting issues within the field. LGBTQ communities are affected by many adverse circumstances and their lives can …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Becoming a Social Organism: Action Research Turns Environmental Research Into a Sustainable Act

  • Shenkar College of Engineering and Design

"What is the impact of my work on the environment?", asks designer and educator Victor Papanek in the first chapter of his revolutionary 1995 book, The Green Imperative. Papanek's words …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Ecological Grief: How Higher Education Responds to Environmental Trauma

  • Bow Valley College (AB)

Grieving the loss or change of a cherished natural space has not always been recognized as a true form of grieving. With summers filled with smoke, devastating flooding, record-breaking hurricanes …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Intersections of Food Waste, Hunger, and Spectrums of Homelessness, Abuse, and Addiction

  • University of Utah (UT)
  • Chartwells Higher Education (NY)

Homeless adults have disproportionate rates of chronic diet-related diseases, food security, rates of obesity, as well as co-morbidities such as diabetes. The outlook is even worse for children and youth. …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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SDG2: Global Challenge, Local Solutions Powered by Penn State University Food Security Initiatives

  • Pennsylvania State University (PA)

With the mission of creating hunger-free and healthy communities through engaged scholarship, several Penn State campuses have joined forces to begin the efforts in their regions. They have partnered with …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Building a Meal Sharing Program

  • Johnson County Community College (KS)

Johnson County Kansas has mirrored the increased food insecurity that has been prevalent at the national level. Johnson County Community College has tackled this issue by creating a meal share …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Expanding the Mission of a CanstructionU Competition to Include Partnerships for Hunger Awareness

  • Penn State Brandywine (PA)

As part of a year-long effort to develop community partnerships themed on sustainability, Penn State Brandywine connected with the local food bank for an academic and volunteer collaboration. In the …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Driving Food Reconnection at Arizona State University through Collaboration between USP and Aramark

  • Arizona State University (AZ)
  • Aramark (PA)

Surveys conducted at Arizona State University dining locations indicate that the vast majority of customers care about using natural resources responsibly and make a conscious effort to only take what …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Student Funded Initiatives & the Intersections of Social Justice & Sustainability

  • Portland Community College (OR)

This is going to address clear and tangible ways students can have agency and autonomy over some of their Student Activity Fees in order to create more than just a …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Addressing Collegiate Basic Needs Through the Sustainability Lens

  • University of Pittsburgh (PA)

Addressing the basic needs of student populations is a fast growing and important topic on College and University campuses. Collegiate basic needs encompasses food and housing security, financial education and …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Food and Housing Security Among NC State Students

  • North Carolina State University (NC)

The UN Sustainable Development Goals provide a comprehensive framework for approaching sustainability from a global perspective. The goals are also incredibly relevant for higher education not only in teaching, research …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Urban green spaces connecting people and place

  • Arizona State University (AZ)

The following concept is a new project designed for the Arizona State University Polytechnic campus; the development and implementation of an urban green space titled The Lot @ ASU, that …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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The Campus Kitchens Project: Connecting the Campus and the Community

  • The Campus Kitchens Project (DC)

For more than 15 years The Campus Kitchens Project has been empowering students around the country to recover and transform would-be-wasted food into meals to feed members of their community …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Fighting Food Waste on College Campuses

  • Arizona State University (AZ)
  • Aramark (PA)

BACKGROUND: An estimated 40% of food produced in the US goes uneaten, yet 1 in 8 Americans struggle with hunger. And that number may be even higher on college campuses, …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Grassroots: Connecting Diverse Louisville Communities Through Sustainable Initiatives

  • University of Louisville (KY)

The environmental threat of food waste looms over the United States alongside the imminent threat of hunger. Watching food on campus being thrown away or composted, Erin and Henny believed …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Urban Emerald

  • Saint Peter's University (NJ)

Four miles from Manhattan on 25 acres in Jersey City is the nearly 150 year old Saint Peter's University..A United Nations NGO, SPU has a Jesuit, Catholic mission committed to …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Performing at a Higher Level - Healthy Buildings for Your Campus

  • Agnes Scott College (GA)
  • U.S. Green Building Council (DC)
  • JLL (IL)

University campuses offer a unique opportunity to drive progress at the intersection of sustainability, education, public health, and the built environment. This session will explore how one institution is leveraging …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Campus Food Pantries: Insights From a National Survey

  • Temple University (PA)
  • College and University Food Bank Alliance (CUFBA) (MI)

Food insecurity is widespread on American college campuses. Students do not have enough food to feed themselves and sometimes their families as well. We created the College and University Food …

  • Posted Oct. 10, 2018
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Food Recovery At UIC

  • University of Illinois Chicago (IL)

At the University of Illinois at Chicago's (UIC) dining facilities, there is much food that is prepared but not eaten. It goes to the landfill, but it could be instead …

  • Posted Aug. 10, 2018
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No food for thought: Food insecurity is related to poor mental health and lower academic performance among students in California’s public university system

  • University of South Carolina (SC)
  • University of Michigan (MI)

This study examined the relationships between food insecurity, mental health, and academic performance among college students in a California public university system (N = 8705). Structural equation modeling was performed …

OSU Search Advocates Training Session

  • Oregon State University (OR)

Anne Gillies, Search Advocate Program Director, shares current research about implicit bias, diversity, inclusive employment principles, and effective ways to be an advocate on a search committee. According to reviews …

Anabel’s grocery “for students, by students"

  • Cornell University (NY)

We love our Cornell University community so much! Thank you for all your encouragement and support this past week--it means the world to us. We worked tirelessly to make Anabel's …

Anabel’s grocery is “for students, by students

  • Cornell University (NY)

Come celebrate the end of the semester with Anabel's Grocery in Stocking Hall. Come relax and prepare for quick cheap meals you can make when you're busy studying for finals! …

Anabel’s grocery is a low cost grocery “for students, by students”.

  • Cornell University (NY)

Anabel’s grocery is a low cost grocery provider on Cornell’s central campus that is “for students, by students”.

Anabel's Grocery

  • Cornell University (NY)

Anabel's Grocery student run grocery sells quality food.

Sustainability at the University of Ottawa

  • University of Ottawa (ON)

These pictures show the president of the University of Ottawa and several employees from Facilities show off bikes from the bicycle fleet in front of the Tabaret Building, as well …

There is No Such Thing as Free Higher Education: A Global Perspective on the (Many) Realities of Free Systems

In the past few years, many countries around the world have debated the financing of higher education. Increasingly, claims emerge that higher education should be free. This article analyses the …

Portland State University: Driving Rigorous Sustainability through Top-Level Policies

  • Portland State University (OR)

Portland State University (PSU), situated in the University District of downtown Portland, Oregon, is the only public urban university in the state located in a major metropolitan city. A recognized …

Stanford R&DE Student Housing Innovation in Cleaning

  • Stanford University (CA)

Stanford’s R&DE Student Housing Operations (SHO) adopted a green cleaning standard that has reduced chemical usage in residences by over 90%. The system engineer's water by infusing it with ozone …

Using Technology to Motivate and Quantify Behavior Change: My Cardinal Green

  • Stanford University (CA)

In today’s increasingly technological and personalized world, sustainability professionals must provide opportunities to engage their community in a way that is relevant for them, while also quantifying the impacts of …

Career Paths in Sustainability

  • Duke University (NC)

The Managing Director of the Center for Energy, Development, and the Global Environment at Duke University provides guidance for students on exploring careers in sustainability. She emphasizes the connections between …

  • Posted May 8, 2018
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Wesleyan launches Spin bikeshare

  • Wesleyan University (CT)
  • Spin (CA)

Wesleyan students enjoy the new Wesleyan bikeshare program with Spin.

This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

PA 12: Employee Compensation

PA 13: Assessing Employee Satisfaction

PA 14: Wellness program

PA 14: Workplace Health & Safety

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

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