Wellbeing & Work

638 resources

President's Sustainability Research Fellowship 20-21: Climate Community

  • Swarthmore College (PA)

The 2020-2021 President's Sustainability Research Fellowship Climate Community project was conducted by Martin Tomlinson '23 and Maya Tipton '23 over the 2020-2021 Academic Year. The purpose of Climate Community was …

Addressing Food and Housing Security among NC State University Students

  • North Carolina State University (NC)

Since February 2018, when a report on student hunger and homelessness on NC State University's campus was released, the campus community has generated increased resources for students, conducted ongoing research …

Project Reach, Reclaim, Revive

  • Seneca Polytechnic (ON)

Guided by academic advisors and business experts, student leaders of Enactus Canada create and implement community empowerment projects and business ventures in their communities. This experiential learning platform helps students …

Toward a Healthy and Environmentally Sustainable Campus Food Environment: A Scoping Review of Postsecondary Food Interventions

  • University of Waterloo (ON)

Interventions are urgently needed to transform the food system and shift population eating patterns toward those consistent with human health and environmental sustainability. Postsecondary campuses offer a naturalistic setting to …

Student food insecurity and the social equity pillar of campus sustainability

  • University of Kansas (KS)

Abstract Purpose

College and university campuses serve as a vital test bed for sustainability solutions of various types. To date, though, campus sustainability efforts have focused more on the environmental …

Impact of a University Environmental Sustainability Strategy on Employees

  • University of Waterloo (ON)

The ever-growing trend of campus sustainability, coupled with pressure from external stakeholders (competitor actions, government regulations, etc.) induces organizations to adopt sustainability and its triple bottom line framework to enhance …

What Can Decolonial and Abolitionist Critiques Teach the Field of Higher Education?

  • University of British Columbia (BC)

In this article, I offer a critical reading of the higher education field-imaginary and its orienting assumptions, inspired by decolonial and abolitionist critiques. These critiques identify the constitutive and ongoing …

Terrarium Building at Oregon State

  • Oregon State University-Cascades Campus (OR)

Students, staff, and faculty built Terrariums.

  • Posted April 29, 2021
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Bull's Cycle Challenge

  • University of South Florida St. Petersburg (FL)
  • University of South Florida (FL)

April is here and it is time to enjoy the amazing Florida weather on a BIKE!!

The Office of sustainability, Student Government and The Student Green Energy Fund (SGEF), at …

  • Posted April 21, 2021
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North Texas Food Policy Alliance

  • University of Texas at Arlington (TX)

What are Food Policy Councils/Alliances? The first Food Policy Council started 30 years ago in the city of Knoxville. In the last decade Food Policy Councils (also called food system …

  • Posted April 21, 2021
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Mindfulness for Alleviating Climate Anxiety

  • Santa Fe College (FL)
  • AASHE (MA)

During the pandemic, many of us working remotely have experienced zoom fatigue, isolation, body aches and general exhaustion. A great way to feel relaxed yet energized is through the practice …

  • Posted April 15, 2021
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Organizational Happiness Dimensions as a Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals: A Prospective Study in Higher Education Institutions in Chile, Colombia and Spain

  • Universidad de Alicante
  • Universidad Tecnológica De Bolívar
  • Universidad de Atacama

The aim of this study is to reveal the perception of current and future organizational happiness in the context of higher education institutions (HEIs) in a cross-national study, to reveal …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Sustaining a Community Garden

  • Palo Alto University (CA)
  • AASHE (MA)

In 2016, Palo Alto College launched a survey campaign to identify the most pressing issues for student retention and learning. The results showed that one of the most pressing issues …

  • Posted March 10, 2021
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Anti-Racism in Higher Education: A Model for Change

  • Azusa Pacific University (CA)

Racism continues to persist in higher education and traditional diversity initiatives that focus only on support resources and tolerance training continue to fall short in making lasting change on college …

  • Posted Feb. 22, 2021
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Mindfulness in education for sustainable development to nurture socioemotional competencies: A systematic review and meta-analysis

  • Comillas Universidad Pontificia (Madrid)

Adhering to the basic principles of transformative learning in education for sustainable development, socioemotional competencies are fundamental for the promotion of sustainability; however, they are difficult to nurture. There is …

Health-Related Education for Sustainability: Public Health Workforce Needs and the Role of Higher Education

  • Deakin University
  • University of Melbourne (Victoria)

Public health practitioners have important roles to play in addressing environmental sustainability imperatives that have an impact on human health. Yet, to date, the extent to which practitioners are willing …

Work Environment (MS)

  • University of Massachusetts Lowell (MA)

The Master of Science in Work Environment program provides training and research on the identification, characterization and control of chemical, physical, psychosocial and biological risks associated with work environments as …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2020
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Work Environment (PhD)

  • University of Massachusetts Lowell (MA)

The Doctor of Science in Work Environment program provides training and research on the identification, characterization and control of chemical, physical, psychosocial and biological risks associated with work environments as …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2020
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Cleaner Production/Pollution Prevention (ScD)

  • University of Massachusetts Lowell (MA)

In Clean Production, the goal is to create a cradle-to-cradle process with minimal negative impact and maximum positive impact on human health and the environment. Cleaner Production Processes conserve raw …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2020
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Environmental Health Science (BS)

  • Clarkson University (NY)

The environmental health science major curriculum is a four-year program offered through Clarkson's Institute for a Sustainable Environment (ISE). Environmental Health Science majors have access to state-of-the-art equipment and laboratories, …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2020
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Climate change is increasingly causes mental health problems among college students

  • Tufts University (MA)

This is a literature review of peer-reviewed papers, news articles, and polls that illustrate the impacts of climate change on mental health among college students.

  • Posted Oct. 23, 2020
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Methods and Effects of Mechanical Ventilation, Ultraviolet Light and Bipolar Ionization on Airborne and Surface Borne Pathogens

  • Evolution Energy Partners (PA)

The advent of SARS-CoV-2, the strain of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, has changed the way building owners and operators must look at treating the air in their buildings. In …

  • Posted Oct. 23, 2020
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Lafayette College Sustainable Food Loop

  • Lafayette College (PA)

LaFarm is a sustainability initiative at the College and the cornerstone of the Lafayette College Sustainable Food Loop.

Our mission is to integrate curriculum and practice in sustainable food and …

Universite Laval - Photo of a discussion on campus

  • Université Laval (QC)

There is multiple place to hang out on campus while being outside. The balance of inside and outside education is very important. Our community cherish the space and take multiple …

Universite Laval wellbeing place to study outside

  • Université Laval (QC)

The wellbeing committee have integrated comfort space to study outside for the student and to work for the university staff. During winter, the comfort space will be moving inside various …

Santa Clara University Bike to Work Day

  • Santa Clara University (CA)

SCU faculty and staff have participated in Silicon Valley's Bike to Work Day since 2015! In partnership with Human Resources, and Parking & Transportation, the Center for Sustainability hosts these …

Nova Scotia Community College - Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification™ Program (RHFAC)

  • Nova Scotia Community College (NS)

In 2018, Nova Scotia Community College partnered with the Rick Hansen Foundation (RHF) to offer an Accessibility Assessor training course, making NSCC one of only two institutions in Canada to …

Elon University - ABC framework for a mentally healthy Elon

  • Elon University (NC)

In 2019, Elon University President Connie Ledoux Book announced that the University had adopted Act-Belong-Commit (ABC) as its framework to promote a campus-wide culture of holistic wellbeing and positive mental …

The American College of Greece - A sustainable campus!

  • The American College of Greece (Aghia Paraskevi)

A selection of photos from The American College of Greece main campus, depicting the campus sustainable grounds, interaction of students with green technology as well as wellness areas!

Combating Incivility, Harassment, and Sexual Assault in Environmental Fields and Fieldwork

  • Antioch University, New England (NH)
  • Michigan State University (MI)
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison (WI)
  • Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (MD)

Increased attention on the pervasiveness of harassment and assault in the daily professional lives of women and men calls for open dialogue and institutional culture change, particularly around issues of …

  • Posted Oct. 8, 2020
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San Jose State University - Housing Crisis Mitigation Plan photo

  • San Jose State University (CA)

SCI 2020 Housing Crisis Mitigation Plan photo submission

Scaling the Ladder: Engagement Programs as Tools for Sustainability

  • McGill University (QC)
  • AASHE (MA)

There is often tension between the focus on individual behavioral action and systemic change in sustainability circles. How do we encourage the small steps that engage community members on a …

  • Posted Sept. 17, 2020
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COVID-19 and Sustainability Resources

  • Princeton University (NJ)

The Office of Sustainability has compiled this list of resources to support Princeton University students, faculty and staff as they navigate challenges related to sustainability and COVID-19 at this moment …

  • Posted Sept. 11, 2020
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A Holistic Approach and Model for a Sustainable Food System

  • Harvard University (MA)
  • AASHE (MA)

The Harvard Office for Sustainability (OFS) convened a multi-disciplinary committee of world-renowned faculty to translate their research into action on campus to create a more sustainable food system that contributes …

  • Posted July 9, 2020
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Connecting Food Security, Community, and Sustainability

  • AASHE (MA)
  • Daytona College (FL)

At a time when college costs continue to climb considerably faster than general inflation and more students are facing food insecurity, tying food security to sustainability can show students the …

  • Posted June 12, 2020
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Inside The New School's University Center: Students Foster Sustainable Behavior

  • The New School (NY)

A class of students from Parsons The New School for Design's School of Art, Media, and Technology spent a fall semester working on projects that build upon the sustainability features …

  • Posted May 28, 2020
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The HESFS for higher education funding, employment and sustainability

  • MEF University

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to develop a higher education funding and employment system that obviates barriers to sustainable development and helps engrain the notion of sustainability into …

Confronting anxiety and despair in environmental studies and sciences: an analysis and guide for students and faculty

  • Ursinus College (PA)
  • Yale University (CT)
  • Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative (WY)

In the field of environmental studies and sciences (ESS), teachers and students face a daily barrage of dire news and information from all manner of sources and all corners of …

Herbicide-Free LMU

  • Loyola Marymount University (CA)
  • Re:wild Your Campus (TX)

The project represented in this case study is Herbicide-Free LMU, a campaign I started at LMU under Herbicide-Free Campus. With a slow beginning as the sole campaign leader, I worked …

Herbicide-Free Campus: UCSB

  • Re:wild Your Campus (TX)

This project sought to reduce synthetic herbicide use on the UC Santa Barbara Campus. There were three main aspects of this project: meeting with groundskeepers, passing resolutions in the student …

Final Project Report: Crum Woods

  • Swarthmore College (PA)

Purpose of the Project: To increase student, faculty, staff, and community member engagement and safety in Crum Woods, as well as continue to implement the 10-year Crum Woods Restoration and …

Priming the Sustainability Talent Pipeline: Indiana Sustainability Development Program

  • Indiana University Bloomington (IN)
  • Indiana University Kokomo (IN)
  • Indiana University South Bend (IN)
  • Indiana University Indianapolis (IN)

The Indiana Sustainability Development Program (ISDP) is a privately funded sustainability workforce development initiative led by Sustain IU (the Office of Sustainability at Indiana University), which pairs students with organizations …

Access MIT: A sustainable free ride

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)

In 2016, MIT set out to reduce parking demand on campus by 10 percent over two years with the launch of Access MIT. The program represented a first-of-its-kind, research-based approach …

Pop-Up People's Pantry- Feeding those in need in response to COVID-19

  • University of California, Merced (CA)

The Pop-Up People's Pantry at the 18th St. People's Garden popped up in response to COVID-19 to feed our food insecure community healthy and nutritious food, predominantly fresh produce.

No Food Left Behind: A free text service to reduce food insecurity and food waste

  • University of California, Merced (CA)

No Food Left Behind is a free text messaging service that connects students, staff and faculty at the University of California, Merced to events that might have food leftover. People …

How to Start a Green Greeks Club on Any Campus

  • Arizona State University (AZ)
  • Arizona State University at the Polytechnic Campus (AZ)

Historically, Greek Life and Sustainability Organizations have been disconnected from each other on college campuses. This is the odd reality despite the fact that the two groups share many of …

SDG Week

  • University of British Columbia (BC)

SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Week [https://sustain.ubc.ca/sdg] was a week-long occasion at the University of British Columbia’s Vancouver campus that consisted of ten multidisciplinary events—six of these events were organized by …

Addressing Food Insecurity on Campus

  • Colorado State University (CO)

Approximately 10% of students at Colorado State University experience food insecurity. In the past five years, CSU has been aggressively tackling food insecurity through the creation of innovative programs under …

Staff Engagement: Embedding Sustainability into Campus Culture and Operations

  • University of Calgary (AB)
  • AASHE (MA)

Empowering staff to become campus sustainability leaders can be challenging. Concerns about time commitment, competing workplace priorities, and support from senior leaders can make working with staff different from engaging …

  • Posted May 14, 2020
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Addressing food insecurity in Australia through education for sustainability

  • Deakin University

Within Australia food insecurity affects an estimated 4 million people annually. Health promotion degrees traditionally prepare pre-service graduates to address food insecurity from a social determinants perspective, little consideration of …

This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

PA 12: Employee Compensation

PA 13: Assessing Employee Satisfaction

PA 14: Wellness program

PA 14: Workplace Health & Safety

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

Wellbeing & Work Partners