

Transportation is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants that contribute to health problems such as heart and respiratory diseases and cancer. Due to disproportionate exposure, these health impacts are frequently more pronounced in low-income communities next to major transportation corridors. In addition, the extraction, production, and global distribution of fuels for transportation can damage environmentally and/or culturally significant ecosystems and may financially benefit hostile and/or oppressive governments. Institutions can positively impact human and ecological health and support local economies by modeling sustainable transportation systems.

454 resources

Sustainability at the University of Ottawa

  • University of Ottawa (ON)

These pictures show the president of the University of Ottawa and several employees from Facilities show off bikes from the bicycle fleet in front of the Tabaret Building, as well …

UC Irvine Pump2Plug Program

  • University of California, Irvine (CA)

University of California, Irvine’s Pump2Plug program facilitates the adoption of zero emission vehicles in Southern California by encouraging faculty and staff commuters to convert from fossil fuel vehicles to electric …

UC Irvine Pump2Plug Program

  • University of California, Irvine (CA)

University of California, Irvine’s Pump2Plug program facilitates the adoption of zero emission vehicles in Southern California by encouraging faculty and staff commuters to convert from fossil fuel vehicles to electric …

University of Vermont Eco-Reps Greenride Bikeshare Campaign Case Study

  • University of Vermont (VT)

In early April of 2018, Burlington, Vermont, and the University of Vermont campus welcomed Greenride, a pilot regional bikeshare. Though long in the works, there was little student awareness of …

  • Posted June 28, 2018
  • Case Studies
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University of California Irvine's PUMP2PLUG Electric Vehicle Adoption Program

  • University of California, Irvine (CA)

The UCI Pump2Plug Electric Vehicle (EV) Adoption Program is widely recognized as the first university incentive program for EV adoption through the replacement of gas-powered vehicles with electric vehicles. With …

Loyola University Chicago Biodiesel Program

  • Loyola University Chicago (IL)

The Biodiesel Program, part of the Searle Center for Sustainability Innovations in Loyola’s Institute of Environmental Sustainability, saw its humble beginnings grow from an ingenious student idea to one that …

UCI Bus Love: UC Irvine’s Transition from a Bio-Diesel to Electric Transit Fleet

  • University of California, Irvine (CA)

The University of California, Irvine (UCI) is the first college campus in the nation to transition over to a fully-electric bus fleet. The student-funded-and-operated Anteater Express campus shuttle service has …

SIMAP: Sustainability Indicator Management and Analysis Platform

  • University of New Hampshire (NH)

SIMAP™ is a carbon and nitrogen accounting platform that can track, analyze, and improve your campus-wide sustainability. Our proven algorithms, based on nearly two decades of work supporting campus inventories …

Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Upgrade Project

  • Northwestern University (IL)

Northwestern University is committed to fostering environmental and ethical stewardship. The University’s Strategic Sustainability Plan establishes a vision for reducing the University’s environmental impacts. In the area of transportation, the …

Trying to Increase Carpooling at a Major U.S. University: A Survey and an Intervention

  • Michigan State University (MI)

Many universities are attempting to reduce the CO2 emissions created by employee commuting. One way to do so is to encourage carpooling. A focus group and an online survey were …

Pedestrian Planning on College Campuses

  • University of California, Santa Cruz (CA)

College campuses provide an ideal setting to promote walking, and on-campus pedestrian planning efforts can provide leadership for the wider community as well.

The Unsustainability of Academic Aeromobility in Australian Universities

  • University of Melbourne (Victoria)

This article analyzes how certain forms of unsustainable hypermobility – primarily air travel – are embedded in the institutional orientations of Australian universities, and hence, into the professional practices of …

Wesleyan launches Spin bikeshare

  • Wesleyan University (CT)
  • Spin (CA)

Wesleyan students enjoy the new Wesleyan bikeshare program with Spin.

Bike Ride for Earth Week, UW-Madison

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison (WI)

As part of Earth Week on the UW-Madison campus, the Office of Sustainability partnered with the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin to run a ride that focused on teaching safe biking …

  • Posted April 25, 2018
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New Bikeshare Program Gets Rolling at UVM

  • Champlain College (VT)
  • University of Vermont (VT)
  • Gotcha (SC)

Undaunted by grey skies and cold temperatures, about a dozen hardy UVM students, faculty and staff helped launch Phase I of Greenride Bikeshare, the first public bikeshare program in Chittenden …

  • Posted April 23, 2018
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The concept of woonerf zone applied in university campuses: the case of the campus of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Kentriki Makedonia)

In this paper, the concept of transferring the idea of woonerf zone from residential areas to university campuses is examined and the campus of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is …

  • Posted April 17, 2018
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Tackling mobility environmental impacts through the promotion of student active travel

  • Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia

Concern about sustainability is rooted in the growing awareness that human activities have significant environmental impacts. Tackling impacts generated by mobility practices can pass through active mobility promotion. However, this …

  • Posted April 17, 2018
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Sustainable Transportation & Planning Graduate Certificate

  • University of Vermont (VT)

The academic merit of the STSP Certificate is multifaceted. It includes the development of technical knowledge of transportation and mobility systems as well as research skills, academic writing, direct experience …

  • Posted April 12, 2018
  • Academic Programs
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Transporting Dalhousie: An Analysis of Factors Influencing Students’ Transportation Choices to and from Dalhousie’s Studley Campus

  • Dalhousie University (NS)

This study analyzed and identified factors influencing student transportation choices to and from Dalhousie’s Studley Campus, addressing the knowledge gap in student transportation behavior. Our aim was to understand specific …

  • Posted April 11, 2018
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Biking at Dickinson

  • Dickinson College (PA)

Learn what The Handlebar Bike Cooperative offers to the campus community and how Dickinson makes biking accessible to everybody.

  • Posted Feb. 28, 2018
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Healthier Campus Initiative and Bicycle Friendly University Webinar

  • League of American Bicyclists (DC)

Learn how to become a certified Bicycle Friendly University through The League of American Bicyclists. The information provided is practical for employees at colleges hoping to switch to an alternative …

  • Posted Feb. 28, 2018
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North American College/University Market Carsharing Impacts: Results from Zipcar’s College Travel Study 2015

  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)
  • Zipcar (MA)

In partnership with Zipcar, researchers at UC Berkeley's Transportation Sustainability Research Center (TSRC), conducted a survey of collegiate Zipcar members to better understand the impact that carsharing has on college …

Sustainable Campus Transportation Toolkit: A Toolkit for Best Practices in Sustainable Transportation on Vermont College and University Campuses

  • University of Vermont (VT)

This toolkit provides Vermont colleges, universities, and institutions with a set of strategies, case studies, and supporting information that may be utilized to improve the sustainability of campus transportation systems. …

Transportation Sustainability Research Center

  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)

The Transportation Sustainability Research Center was formed to study the economic, social, environmental, and technological aspects of sustainable transportation.

  • Posted Feb. 5, 2018
  • Research Centers & Institutes
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Best Option For Reducing On-Campus Private Car-Based CO2 Emissions: Reducing VKT Or Congestion?

  • Middle East Technical University

Reducing carbon footprint, especially from private cars, is an inevitable goal of sustainable transportation programs. Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara, Turkey, has a fairly large campus, for which …

  • Posted Dec. 22, 2017
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Do your neighbors affect your bicycling choice? A spatial probit model for bicycling to The Ohio State University

  • California State University, Fresno (CA)
  • The Ohio State University (OH)

Neighborhood social effects have recently become a focus of interest in transportation research, whereby transportation mode choice is not only affected by an individual’s characteristics and transportation system conditions, but …

  • Posted Dec. 12, 2017
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Empirical Study of Parking Problem on University Campus

  • Beihang University

In recent years, more and more university employees tend to choose their residences in places outside the campus. As a result of this change, the number of private cars owned …

  • Posted Dec. 11, 2017
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Parking at the UC campus: Problems and solutions

  • University of Coimbra

This study underscores the importance of adopting integrated parking management policies that ensure not only more rational use of the available parking spaces, evenly balancing supply and demand and bringing …

  • Posted Dec. 11, 2017
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Dealing with parking issues on an urban campus: The case of UC Berkeley

  • California Polytechnic State University (CA)

Many transportation planning studies focus on mode-of-transportation as a static variable, not accounting for a range of user decisions such as miles traveled or (if driving) the duration of time …

  • Posted Dec. 11, 2017
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Study of Employee Carsharing on the University Campus

  • Iowa State University (IA)

This manuscript analyzes personal and carsharing consumption characteristics of alternative commuters of the same university in Los Angeles, California. The paper finds that: (1) one can achieve a reasonably high …

  • Posted Dec. 11, 2017
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Carsharing on university campus: Subsidies, commuter benefits, and their impacts on carsharing

  • Iowa State University (IA)

This article examines, via a case study, what efforts a university needs to make to initiate and sustain a carsharing program. It also examines how subsidies offered to employees affect …

  • Posted Dec. 11, 2017
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Carsharing in a university setting: Impacts on vehicle ownership, parking demand, and mobility in Ithaca, NY

  • Cornell University (NY)

Carsharing is growing rapidly in popularity, often backed by government and private partners, such as universities and developers. While reduced parking demand is frequently cited as a reason to promote …

  • Posted Dec. 11, 2017
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The Future of Campus Mobility

  • Navya Inc (MI)

Parking, congestion, and pollution are challenges that all campuses face. The future of mobility must become increasingly connected, shared, and multi-modal to realize a meaningful reduction in carbon output. Spend …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
  • Conference Presentations
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Beyond Offsetting: Onsetting Scope 3 Emissions and Supporting Innovative Local Projects

  • Earth Deeds (MA)

Universities struggle to find meaningful ways to address their Scope 3 emissions, especially with regard to staff travel and study abroad. This session will explain carbon onsetting as a positive …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Reducing our Carbon Footprint: A Simple Solution to Cutting Car Reliance on University Campuses

  • DoubleMap, Inc. (IN)

After the US pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement, over 180 universities signed the 'We Are Still In' pledge to uphold the terms of the Paris Climate Agreement to …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Uber Like Solution Helping with Safe Ride - Indiana University

  • DoubleMap, Inc. (IN)

Sprawling campuses and students' late night tendencies can lead to a dangerous environment for those who walk home during late hours. Many universities have begun to implement a safe ride …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Multi Modal Sustainability FREE My Open Road App - A Great Tool to Reduce Carbon Footprint, Get Fit & Get Rewarded

  • My Open Road (CA)

My Open Road is a multimodal sustainability FREE mobile app that can help universities, MPOs to: Reduce traffic congestion; Encourage healthy lifestyles; Measure and record reductions in carbon emissions; Raise …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Bicycle Parking Assessment at the College of Charleston

  • College of Charleston (SC)

The College of Charleston's Sustainable Transportation Program, managed by the College's Office of Sustainability, is dedicated to providing accessible transportation options for students as well as advocating for a bike …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Offsetting University Travel Through Energy Efficiency on Campus

  • Portland State University (OR)

At Portland State University (PSU), business travel is responsible for approximately 6,009 metric tons of carbon emissions, or 1,265 cars on the road, each year. Acknowledging that travel is mission …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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If You Build It, Will They Come? Creating a Biking Culture by Sharing

  • Auburn University (AL)

Launching a bike share program requires a considerable investment of time and money with no guarantee of success, particularly in communities without a strong biking culture. So how can you …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Examining the Efficacy of an Award-Winning Bicycle-Earning Program in Altering Student and Staff Transportation Modes

  • University of Louisville (KY)

This study will involve the examination and reevaluation of the Earn-A-Bike Program at the University of Louisville. This is a program that rewards student who turn over their eligibility to …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Beyond BikeShare: Sustainable Transportation in Six Months of Winter

  • State University of New York at Oswego (NY)

Late summer and early fall in Oswego New York are breathtaking, ideal for our BikeShare program. But when winter comes to our campus, it stays. This presentation will explore the …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Applying LEAN Concepts to Data Capture for Greenhouse Gas Reporting

  • Berea College (KY)

The Berea College Office of Sustainability submits yearly reports on greenhouse gas emissions based on travel done by faculty, staff, and students on behalf of the college. The types of …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Transportation Networking Meeting

  • University of North Carolina, Greensboro (NC)

Anyone interested in reducing carbon emissions through active, sustainable transportation is invited to this networking meeting. Multi-modal topics for discussion may include strategies to promote walking, bikes, buses, car sharing, …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Green Bikes at UNC Greensboro

  • University of North Carolina, Greensboro (NC)

Learn how a public-private partnership resulted in the first free-flow dockless bike share system in North America. Presentation will highlight the planning process, program launch, and ongoing operations at the …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Infusing a culture of active living via the five E's of bicycling

  • Black Hills State University (SD)

Bike Spearfish! is a unique collaboration between Black Hills State University (BHSU) and Hills Horizon (a local non-profit) designed to infuse a culture of active living via advancing bicycle transportation, …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Nudging commuters, big data and bold partnerships: A research-based approach to impacting commuter mode choice at MIT

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)

Researchers at MIT's Transit Lab, alongside MIT's operational decision-makers, have been examining commuter patterns at MIT for years. They helped launch a pilot collaboration between MIT and the Massachusetts Bay …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Sustainable Collaboration: Solving the Commuter Crisis

  • University of Houston (TX)

Minimizing the number of vehicles traveling to and parking on campus, while also reducing Houston's carbon footprint and improving the region's air quality is a critical goal of the University …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Gompei's Gears: Implementing and Sustaining a Free Campus Bike-sharing Program

  • Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA)

Even with hilly terrain and long winters, bicycling is popular in Worcester, Massachusetts, and in particular among the many college students. At WPI in 2014 a student group researched transportation …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Sustainable Transportation Programs: Nationwide Trends & Practical Case Studies

  • American University (DC)
  • University of Arkansas (AR)
  • Virginia Commonwealth University (VA)
  • Gordian (SC)

Emissions created by commuting-related activities are a major component of many institution's greenhouse gas inventories. Yet, these emissions sources are notoriously difficult to mitigate. There are a number of ways …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

OP 15: Campus Fleet

OP 16: Commute Modal Split

OP 17: Support for Sustainable Transportation

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

Transportation Partners