Investment & Finance


Collectively, colleges and universities invest hundreds of billions of dollars. Like other decisions that institutions make, these investments have impacts that are both local and global in scope. Institutions with transparent and democratic investment processes promote accountability and engagement by the campus and community. By using the tools of sustainable investing, institutions can improve the long-term health of their endowments, encourage better corporate behavior, support innovation in sustainable products and services, support sustainability in their community, and help build a more just and sustainable financial system.

725 resources

Sustainability, Innovation & Engagement Fund (SIEF)

  • University of Massachusetts Amherst (MA)

Established in August 2013, the fund fosters a strong culture of sustainability on our campus by providing financial support to students, faculty, and staff with green ideas. Any student faculty, …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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Greening Haverford Fund

  • Haverford College (PA)

The fund is designed to assist students, faculty, and staff in raising environmental awareness and enhancing environmental practices at Haverford College. The scope of the Fund is broad, and includes …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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Toro Green Initiative Fund

  • California State University, Dominguez Hills (CA)

In 2018, President Parham distributed $10,000 towards the first Toro Green Initiative Fund (TGIF), allowing CSUDH students to suggest sustainability projects for the campus.

Sustainability Committee meeting review with stakeholders …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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Student Green Innovation Fund

  • Yale University (CT)

The goals of the Student Green Innovation Fund are: To invest in innovative, student-led projects that result in direct energy use reductions on campus and/or projects that broadly impact climate …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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Delongchamp Family Grant Fund

  • Bentley University (MA)

The Delongchamp Family Endowed Fund supports undergraduate professional and co-curricular activities associated with studying sustainability and the triple-bottom line: people, planet, and profit. The fund was designed to allow students …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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Student Sustainability Fund

  • University of New Brunswick, Fredericton (NB)

The UNB Student Union and UNB Sustainability have partnered to develop the Student Sustainability Fund (SSF) following a successful referendum during the Student Union elections in the spring of 2019. …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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SGA Green Fund

  • Susquehanna University (PA)

The SU SGA Green Fund is a way for students around campus to find funding for their sustainability project ideas. The green fund is funded through an allocation from the …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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Sustainability Action Fund

  • University of Guelph (ON)

The Sustainability Action Fund seeks to fund projects which advance campus sustainability and climate action at the University of Guelph. All student contributions are matched dollar for dollar by the …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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Sustainability Scholars Fund

  • Kenyon College (OH)

The Sustainability Scholars Fund exists to provide material and financial support for a student/faculty team conducting sustainability/climate action work on campus. Projects range from refining our understanding of landscape-level carbon-sequestration …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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President's Commission on Sustainability Annual Budget

  • California State University, Long Beach (CA)

The President’s Commission of Sustainability (PCS), formerly the Sustainability Task Force (STF), was established by the university’s President to integrate sustainability into all aspects of campus life. As part of …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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Student Sustainability Fund

  • HEC Montréal (QC)

HEC Montréal Student sustainability fund was created in 2019 in agreement between student association and school direction. The fund is funded by student contribution of 0,1$ per course credit. HEC …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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Sustainable Development Fund

  • Messiah University (PA)

Messiah College’s Sustainable Development Fund (SDF) is an opportunity for the College to invest financial resources outside of normal operating budget into sustainability practice and education. The SDF advances the …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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The Student Sustainability fund

  • California State University, Sacramento (CA)

Each year Sac State Sustainability funds small scale student projects that make the campus more sustainable. Project funding typically ranges from $100 - $2,000 and focuses on renewable energy, energy …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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Student Sustainability Innovation Fund

  • Keene State College (NH)

The Student Sustainability Innovation Fund provides up to three rising Juniors or Seniors a financial award of $500 toward a project that supports student-centered programs of the Office of Sustainability …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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  • University of Virginia (VA)

The GIFT (Green Initiatives Funding Tomorrow) Grant is funded by the Student Council’s Sustainability Committee with assistance from the Office of the Dean of Students. GIFT has provided tens of …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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Equity and Environment Fund

  • University of Virginia (VA)

The Equity and Environment Fund, supported by the Civic Engagement Subcommittee, is available for students/student groups for community-based initiatives or projects that sit at the intersection of equity, justice, and …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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Sustainability Project Investment Fund (SPIF)

  • University of the Pacific (CA)

The University of the Pacific established a fund to support projects that contribute to advancing sustainability-focused practices and learning opportunities at Pacific.

Goals of the SPIF fund are to: Support …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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Green Reinvestment Fund

  • Vassar College (NY)

The Green Reinvestment Fund (GRF) is an internal revolving loan fund for Vassar’s energy efficiency projects. Cost savings from projects funded through the GRF are repaid to the fund until …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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Sustainability Fee

  • State University of New York at Oswego (NY)

With each semester, students are billed for a sustainability fee. This fee goes towards expanding sustainability efforts on campus as well as supporting student workers in the Office of Sustainability. …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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UQAM Fonds Vert (Green Fund)

  • Université du Québec à Montréal (Québec)

The University's Green Fund aims to financially support the initiatives of members of the university community in the area of eco-responsibility. Goals

This fund makes it possible to encourage and …

  • Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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USG Sustainability Committee Fund

  • University of Denver (CO)

The Sustainability Committee, known as SusCom for short, is dedicated to motivating and activating the student body toward a more sustainable lifestyle by providing funding for various sustainability- and environmentally-related …

Villanova University 2020 Sustainable Career Panel Series: Sustainable Innovation

  • Villanova University (PA)

This panel series highlights the amazing work Villanova alumni are doing to create a sustainable future for all of us. The Sustainability Innovation Panel features: Michael Werner the Lead for …

  • Posted June 10, 2021
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Financing university sustainability initiatives in China: actors and processes

  • Central University of Finance and Economics
  • China University of Political Science and Law

This paper aims to study the mechanism of how the public universities have funded the campus sustainability projects in China, by identifying key actors and examining the processes.

Funding Campus Sustainability through a Green Fee—Estimating Students’ Willingness to Pay

  • Manhattan College (NY)

Many higher education institutions promote sustainability by instilling environmental awareness within college students, the innovators of the future. As higher education institutions face budgetary constraints to achieve greener campuses, green …

  • Posted April 23, 2021
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Stetson University Revolving Green Fund and Student Fee

  • Stetson University (FL)

Each student contributes through assessed fees to finance sustainability projects on Stetson University's main campus. The cost avoidance generated by these projects is reinvested into a campus revolving green fund …

  • Posted April 21, 2021
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The Ethical and Ecological Limits of Sustainability: A Decolonial Approach to Climate Change in Higher Education

  • University of British Columbia (BC)

This article offers decolonial critique of the ethical and ecological limits of mainstream sustainability efforts in higher education. Colonialism is identified as the primary cause of climate change, and the …

Carbon pricing approaches for climate decisions in U.S. higher education: Proxy carbon prices for deep decarbonization

  • Princeton University (NJ)
  • Smith College (MA)

Given the slow policy response by governments, climate leadership by other institutions has become an essential part of maintaining policy momentum, driving innovation, and fostering social dialogue. Despite growth in …

  • Posted Jan. 12, 2021
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Willingness to pay for green buildings: A survey on students’ perception in higher education

  • University of Delaware (DE)
  • University of New Haven (CT)
  • TED University

For most students in higher education, a green residence hall could form their first impressions regarding green buildings. As these students may be expected to make decisions regarding their place …

  • Posted Jan. 12, 2021
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Beyond “Saddle Bag” Sustainability for Business Education

  • University of Vermont (VT)

Revisiting the historical evolution of the corporation helps explain how the challenge of sustainability has been addressed in business education. Business schools emerged toward the end of the 19th century …

  • Posted Jan. 12, 2021
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Looking Beyond Fossil Fuel Divestment: Combating Climate Change in Higher Education

  • Northwestern University (IL)

The fossil fuel divestment movement is altering the landscape of climate activism on US campuses. Student-run divestment campaigns are now pushing for college Boards of Trustees to withdraw investments from …

  • Posted Jan. 12, 2021
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Lewis & Clark College Fossil Fuel Divestment

  • Lewis & Clark College (OR)

Fossil Fuel Divestment - The Board of Trustees at Lewis & Clark College voted unanimously to divest from fossil fuel holdings in the endowment

Urban and Metropolitan Universities: The Transformative Power of Anchor Institutions

  • Democracy Collaborative (DC)

'Urban and Metropolitan Universities: The Transformative Power of Anchor Institutions' focuses on the role of urban and metropolitan universities as anchor institutions in their community to address long standing inequities. …

  • Posted Oct. 23, 2020
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Investing in Racial Equity: A Primer for College & University Endowments

  • Intentional Endowments Network (MA)

Investing in racial equity involves developing and committing to business practices that proactively identify and counteract racial inequities within a company or an organization, and allocating capital to intentionally and …

  • Posted Oct. 23, 2020
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Barnard College Climate Science List

  • Barnard College (NY)

Climate science list - In 2019, Barnard College published a Climate Science List, a 490-page reference guide for the responsible divestment of endowment funds away from fossil fuel companies that …

Making the Business Case for Campus Sustainability

  • Gordian (SC)

In this report, Sightlines (a Gordian company) highlights how environmental sustainability programs at higher education institutions would reduce operating costs via increased efficiency measures as well as attract sustainability-minded students …

The Ivory Tower Tax Haven: The state, financialization, and the growth of wealthy college endowments

  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)

Popular anxiety about economic inequality has been compounded by the lavish consumption of the super-rich. In the domain of higher education, there are parallel signs of growing popular resentment towards …

  • Posted July 10, 2020
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The HESFS for higher education funding, employment and sustainability

  • MEF University

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to develop a higher education funding and employment system that obviates barriers to sustainable development and helps engrain the notion of sustainability into …

Building Trust and Community: The Transformative Experience of the Green Revolving Fund at Agnes Scott College

  • Agnes Scott College (GA)
  • Sustainable Endowments Institute (MA)
  • Second Nature (MA)
  • City of Decatur (GA)

Agnes Scott College initiated the college’s Green Revolving Fund (GRF) in 2011 as a practical solution to a common challenge shared by colleges and universities that have committed to a …

Sustaining a Student-Led Environmental Movement at San Diego State University: Leveraging Collaboration to Create an Environmentally Sustainable Endowment

  • San Diego State University (CA)

As the global economy grows, environmental activists increasingly work towards more environmentally sustainable investing practices, especially at higher education institutions. As Sustainability Commissioner (2019-2020) at San Diego State University (“SDSU” …

Solar Microgrid Investment in the US: Financial Modelling Challenges for a University Based Project

  • California State University, San Marcos (CA)

Unlike economies that are still experiencing growth, established markets like the United States have a difficult time generating returns with large upside potential for investors. If an exceptional return is …

UVA’s Equity & Environment Fund: Catalyzing student-driven, intersectional projects that connect and advance the work of community leaders

  • University of Virginia (VA)

Historically, many UVA student-led projects focused on the environmental issues of sustainability, without much connection or thought to how these projects connect or address social or equity issues. To help …

Sustainability funding in higher education: a literature-based review

  • Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to report a literature review on sustainability funding in higher education and an analysis of the theoretical influence on academic research. The theoretical …

Building a Resilient Recycling Operation Against Market Forces, Financial Pressures, & Contamination Developments

  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (WI)

Recycling rates had plateaued. By 2016, even with the best of internal marketing and operational changes, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee was left to the devices of a decentralized collection and …

Climate change and the fossil fuel divestment movement in Canadian higher education: The mobilities of actions, actors, and tactics

  • University of Saskatchewan (SK)

Situated within the broader climate justice movement, the fossil fuel divestment movement calls for both public and private divestment of financial holdings from fossil fuel companies. This paper examines the …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Using Endowment Investing to Help Create a Sustainable Economy

  • Lewis & Clark College (OR)
  • Intentional Endowments Network (MA)
  • Cambridge Associates (VA)

The half trillion dollars in endowment funds invested by higher education institutions in the United States represent a relatively untapped resource with immense economic and social power. The past few …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Lots of Watts: Building an Energy Cohort to Buy Big Renewables

  • Lafayette College (PA)
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)
  • Swarthmore College (PA)
  • Second Nature (MA)
  • Coho Climate Advisors (MD)

Cohorts of colleges and universities are aggregating energy loads to achieve economies of scale when sourcing renewable energy. This workshop helps campuses achieve dramatic reductions in greenhouse gases by sourcing …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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A Proven Upstream Funding Model for Waste Management from the University of Kentucky

  • University of Kentucky (KY)

The University of Kentucky funds several of its materials management programs by charging all university accounts a disposal fee each time they purchase materials and supplies. This system has been …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Democratizing Capital for a Regenerative Economy

  • Center for Economic Democracy (MA)

The Boston Ujima Project is organizing neighbors, workers, business owners, artists and investors to create a new community controlled economy in Greater Boston. Since launching in 2016, Ujima has built …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Fiduciary Duty and University Fossil Fuel Divestments

  • Soka University of America (CA)

One of the founding principles of Soka University of America is to 'foster leaders for the creative coexistence of nature and humanity.' Soka University has one of the highest endowments …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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What is the Potential of Fossil Fuel Divestment in Higher Education? A Data-Driven Analysis

  • Smith College (MA)

Fossil fuel divestment has become a major activist movement in higher education, with campaigns at colleges and universities across the country. This movement has driven critical conversations about institutional responsibility …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

PA 9: Committee on Investor Responsibility

PA 10: Sustainable Investment

PA 11: Investment Disclosure

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

Investment & Finance Partners