Food & Dining


Modern industrial food production often has deleterious environmental and social impacts. Institutions can use their food purchases to support their local economies; encourage safe, environmentally friendly and humane farming methods; and help eliminate unsafe working conditions and alleviate poverty for farmers. These actions help reduce environmental impacts, preserve regional farmland, improve local food security, and support fair and resilient food systems. Dining services can also support sustainable food systems by preventing food waste and diverting food materials from the waste stream, by making low impact dining options available, and by educating its customers about more sustainable options and practices.

Featured Resources

1226 resources

Temple Tiny House

  • Temple University (PA)

The Temple University Tiny House project is a student designed and student constructed sustainable building located at Temple Community Garden on main campus. Completed in spring 2017, the 175 square …

University of Dayton Composting Bins

  • University of Dayton (OH)

Students in the University of Dayton Hanley Sustainability Institute built two 4’x6’ bins to compost campus food.

Food Waste Composting Bin Construction

  • University of Dayton (OH)

Student leaders in the University of Dayton Hanley Sustainability Institute work with campus Master Carpenter to build two 4’x6’ bins to compost campus food waste.

Food Waste Composting Bin Construction

  • University of Dayton (OH)

Student leaders in the University of Dayton Hanley Sustainability Institute are building two 4’x6’ bins to compost campus food waste.

Edible Campus UNC Student Volunteers

  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (NC)

Edible Campus UNC at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is a program of the North Carolina Botanical Garden that incorporates edible, medicinal, and pollinator-friendly plants into existing landscapes …

Edible Campus UNC Student Volunteers

  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (NC)

Edible Campus UNC at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is a program of the North Carolina Botanical Garden that incorporates edible, medicinal, and pollinator-friendly plants into existing landscapes …

Edible Campus Garden at UNC Chapel Hill

  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (NC)

Edible Campus UNC at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is a program of the North Carolina Botanical Garden that incorporates edible, medicinal, and pollinator-friendly plants into existing landscapes …

MSU ZipGrow Tower full growth

  • Missouri State University (MO)

In summer 2016, a basement storage room at Missouri State University was repurposed into a hydroponic growing room for the ZipGrow vertical growing towers program. Chartwells and MSU Dining Services …

Solar Sheep at Antioch College

  • Antioch College (OH)

Since 2015, Antioch College has brought sheep to campus to live in a distinctly different location – the five-acre Antioch solar farm. The small “self-fertilizing lawnmowers” live within the fenced-in …

Student enjoys a plate filled with plant-based proteins at Rice University

  • Rice University (TX)

Rice University's Housing and Dining department created an initiative called #ourplantbasedjourney to serve delicious plant-based proteins marketed to all students, not just those who self-identify as vegans or vegetarians. Some …

From Farm to Fork at Rice University

  • Rice University (TX)

Rice University chef Martin De Santiago shops for locally-sourced ingredients at the Rice University Farmers Market to use in a Farm-to-Fork dinner. The dinner was organized by the student club …

Farm to Fork Dinner, Spring 2018

  • Rice University (TX)

Rice University student group Real Food Revolution teams with Rice's Housing and Dining department once a semester to host a Farm-to-Fork dinner, featuring a full menu of locally-sourced food and …

University of Dayton Composting and Recycling Bins

  • University of Dayton (OH)

The University of Dayton places composting and recycling bins outside dining facilities on campus to encourage composting and recycling and diverting “trash” from landfills.

University of Dayton Composting Bins

  • University of Dayton (OH)

Students in the University of Dayton Hanley Sustainability Institute built two 4’x6’ bins to compost campus food and plastic.

ANSI/LEO-4000, The American National Standard for Sustainable Agriculture

  • Leonardo Academy (WI)

The ANSI/LEO-4000 American National Standard for Sustainable Agriculture empowers the entire agricultural supply chain, from producers to consumers, to decisively advance sustainability in agriculture. It is a benchmarking standard that …

The Catastrophic Meal--Exploring the Food Systems and Cultures of the Future

  • Vestjyllands Højskole

Vestjyllands Højskole hosted The Catastrophic Meal to demonstrate both a utopian and dystopian view of future food culture. As part of the EU's Aarhus City of Culture celebrations, the event …

Francis Feast and Learn: Sustainability Teach-In and Local Foods Dinner

  • Loyola University Maryland (MD)

The Francis Feast and Learn is a sustainability teach-in and locally sourced meal, inspired by the life’s work of St. Francis of Assisi and Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si. The …

Ditch the Disposables

  • Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA)

Ditch the Disposables is a WPI student-run campaign that was started in 2016 to reduce single-use plastic items at WPI. The project began with a reusable container program in the …

Departmental Sustainability Mission & Vision Statement -University of Washington Housing & Food Services

  • University of Washington, Seattle (WA)

In the academic year 2017-18, Housing & Food Services unveiled its Sustainability Mission & Vision statement. This articulation of the department’s greater commitment to sustainability was the culmination of a …

University of Michigan Campus Farm and MDining Lead Sustainable Food Movement

  • University of Michigan (MI)

With the first delivery of Campus Farm fresh produce to Mosher Jordan dining hall in the summer of 2017, the University of Michigan’s MDining’s sustainability goal of using more local …

Clean Plates at State: Michigan State University

  • Michigan State University (MI)

Michigan State University is continually striving to build a sustainable culture on campus and in the Spartan community. Clean Plates at State helps students and members of our community understand …

Mississippi State Community Garden

  • Mississippi State University (MS)

In the spring of 2017, the Student Association at Mississippi State University secured funding to further sustainability on campus. This funding was used in part to hold a proposal competition. …

Southern Oregon University Dish Loan Program

  • Southern Oregon University (OR)

Southern Oregon University's Ecology and Sustainability Resource Center launched a Dish Loan Program in fall 2017. The Dish Loan Program is a free alternative for campus clubs, organizations, and departments …

Assessing the Energy and Water Use of Vertical Farming at Princeton University

  • Princeton University (NJ)

Research in sustainable solutions for harmful large-scale agriculture will help preserve the earth’s ecosystems and natural resources. Hydroponics is a method of farming that is shown to use considerably less …

The Meat of the Matter: Behavioral Science Nudges for a More Sustainable Diet

  • Princeton University (NJ)

Current levels of global population growth and meat consumption are putting unprecedented demand on agriculture and natural resources. From a sustainability standpoint, the environmental impacts of excess meat consumption, coupled …

Food Lab Compost Project

  • West Chester University of Pennsylvania (PA)

This project aims to reduce food waste produced by the West Chester University Food Lab. First, food scraps from the the Food Lab are collected in a sealed bin. Then, …

Building student capacity to lead sustainability transitions in the food system through farm-based authentic research modules in sustainability sciences (FARMS)

  • Dartmouth College (NH)
  • Montana State University (MT)

Undergraduate courses provide valuable opportunities to train and empower students with the knowledge, skills, and motivation to advance society in more sustainable directions. This article emphasizes the value of bridging …

The ripple effect: Hydo-Aeorponics growing on campus

  • Missouri Southern State University (MO)
  • Chartwells Higher Education (NY)

In August of 2016 Missouri State University brought 2 zip grow towers( a Hydo-Aeorponics vertical grow tower system) to campus in partnership to display a hyper-local growing option for produce. …

The Razorback Food Recovery

  • University of Arkansas (AR)

Food recovery – the practice of preventing surplus foodstuffs from being dumped in the trash – takes numerous forms and provides a variety of social, economic, and environmental benefits. According …

Going Without: An Exploration of Food and Housing Insecurity Among Undergraduates

  • Temple University (PA)
  • University of Iowa (IA)

The rising price of higher education and its implications for equity and accessibility have been extensively documented, but the material conditions of students’ lives are often overlooked. Data from more …

Where does it go? Composting at GWU

  • George Washington University (DC)

In February 2018, the George Washington University’s Office of Sustainability and Campaign GW embarked upon a new, risk-taking endeavor to expand access to composting and sustainable food waste across its …

  • Posted May 8, 2018
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Earth Week at Universidad de Monterrey

  • Universidad de Monterrey

During Earth Week at UDEM, students and staff have the change to participate in different workshops, keynotes and activities that promote the three main topics for this year's Earth Week …

Composting for a Greener Campus: the Texas State University Bobcat Blend program

  • Texas State University, San Marcos (TX)

Bobcat Blend is a faculty managed, student-run and grant-supported research and teaching-oriented waste management campus composting program at Texas State University. The goals of the organization are to teach students, …

Permaculture and Community at WCSU

  • Western Connecticut State University (CT)

The Jane Goodall Center for Excellence in Environmental Studies is a unique partnership between Western Connecticut State University and The Jane Goodall Institute, a private non-profit organization dedicated to wildlife …

Zero Waste Pilot at Earth Day Conference, Madison, WI

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison (WI)

UW-Madison Office of Sustainability (OS) interns Anna Weinberg, Ally Burg, and Noemy Serrano monitor a zero waste station during the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies Earth Day Conference at Monona …

  • Posted April 25, 2018
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AUC EarthWeek 2018: “Collaborate, Create, Cultivate": Growing Green Culture at AUC”

  • American University in Cairo (Cairo)

All Week: - RISE Greenhouse and Aquaponics Display - Description: Have you always wanted to have a green thumb? Come check out what AUC’s brilliant growers at RISE have been …

  • Posted April 24, 2018
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UT Dallas Earth Week

  • The University of Texas at Dallas (TX)

Each year, the UT Dallas community comes together to celebrate sustainability and environmental practices through interactive and educational events and programs during Earth Week.

  • Posted April 23, 2018
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Earth Day Garden Preperation

  • St. John's University, New York (NY)

Earth Day celebration incorporates Academic Service Learning for students to work in the Student Community Garden on the Queens Campus. During the growing season, student workers maintain, harvest and transport …

  • Posted April 23, 2018
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Creighton University Leads Pledge to End Plastic Pollution

  • Creighton University (NE)

During its Earth Week celebrations, Creighton University's Office of Sustainability Programs led a pledge to end plastic pollution campaign. Earth Day Network's global theme for Earth Day 2018 is End …

  • Posted April 23, 2018
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UConn Earth Day Spring Fling

  • University of Connecticut (CT)

Earth Day Spring Fling is UConn’s largest annual environmental awareness event and celebration. This year’s event took place on April 18th from 11am-2pm on Fairfield Way, the heart of UConn’s …

  • Posted April 23, 2018
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Agricultural Sustainability & Food Biosecurity Certificate

  • University of South Florida (Tampa) (FL)

The USDA recognizes the need to ensure a competent, qualified, and diverse workforce to serve the food and agricultural sciences and improve the economic health and viability of rural communities. …

  • Posted April 12, 2018
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Sustainable Food Concentration

  • Smith College (MA)

The Sustainable Food Concentration lets students engage in an interdisciplinary exploration of food and the many issues involved in sustainability. Whether students are interested in global food distribution systems, the …

  • Posted April 12, 2018
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Sustainable Food Crop Production

  • University of Connecticut (CT)

This minor provides an overview of issues related to sustainable food crop production within the context of environmental stewardship.

  • Posted April 12, 2018
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Organic Production Concentration, Plant Sciences BS

  • University of Tennessee at Knoxville (TN)

The organic production concentration is designed to create leaders in the field of organic and sustainable agriculture. Students will gain the knowledge and skills for production and management of organic …

  • Posted April 12, 2018
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Food & Agriculture (BA)

  • Indiana University Bloomington (IN)

Geographers engaged in the study of Food and Agriculture at Indiana University focus on agricultural decision-making, agricultural and food policy, consumer choice and taste, food security, food systems governance and …

  • Posted April 12, 2018
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Food System Sustainability Certificate

  • Arizona State University (AZ)

Food systems are particularly important for human societies to sustain; however, these systems are particularly vulnerable to multiple threats. Many students from a wide variety of disciplines are interested in …

  • Posted April 12, 2018
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Meat Consumption as a Wicked Problem: Evidence from Data and Policies

  • University of Turku

Sustainable food production and consumption is fundamental to the achievement of the worldwide UN Sustainable Development Goals. For a food system to be sustainable, it needs to provide adequate nutrition …

  • Posted April 11, 2018
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Food Wasting Attitudes and Behaviours Among Residence Meal Hall Users at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

  • Dalhousie University (NS)

Dalhousie University has undertaken multiple initiatives in recent years to produce less food waste within their dining halls. This study aimed to develop a relation between the attitudes and behaviours …

  • Posted April 11, 2018
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Program Development at the Outback: Exploring Place-Based, Experiential Education through a Campus Farm

  • Western Washington University (WA)

A unique component of place-based, design-focused, experiential education has been facilitating students as they explore a wide range of their own capabilities. Cataloging botanical names, handling tools and exploring novel …

  • Posted April 11, 2018
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Still Hungry and Homeless in College

  • Temple University (PA)
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison (WI)

This is the largest national survey assessing the basic needs security of university students. It is the HOPE Lab’s 3rd national survey; the other two focused on community colleges. This …

  • Posted April 11, 2018
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This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

OP 7: Food and Beverage Purchasing

OP 8: Sustainable Dining

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

Food & Dining Partners