Campus Engagement


Engaging in sustainability issues through co-curricular activities allows students to deepen and apply their understandings of sustainability principles. Institution-sponsored co-curricular sustainability offerings, often coordinated by student affairs offices, help integrate sustainability into the campus culture and set a positive tone for the institution. Faculty and staff members’ daily decisions impact an institution’s sustainability performance. Equipping faculty and staff with the tools, knowledge, and motivation to adopt behavior changes that promote sustainability is an essential activity of a sustainable campus.

4268 resources

Harvard Green Office Program

  • Harvard University (MA)

The Green Office Program's offers staff practical solutions needed to meet Harvard's GHG reduction goal and fulfill our Sustainability Principles, and a fun, competitive way for offices to celebrate their …

The Environmental Caucus: Breaking Down Silos to Promote Sustainability at Northern Arizona University

  • Northern Arizona University (AZ)

The Environmental Caucus (EC), a voluntary campus association, formed in 2008 as a grassroots approach to engage students, faculty, staff, and administrators in strengthening a culture of sustainability at NAU. …

Student and Staff Cooperative Implementation of a Residential Recycling Program at Iowa State University

  • Iowa State University (IA)

The Department of Resdidence (DoR) and student leaders teamed up together to implement a residence hall wide recycling program. The program is intended to reduce waste of recyclables in residence …

Just Tap It: Reducing Bottled Water Consumption at Muhlenberg College

  • Muhlenberg College (PA)

The Just Tap It project at Muhlenberg College successfully reduced bottled water purchases on campus by 95%, by limiting the availability of bottled water at Muhlenberg and encouraging the college …

Harvard Green Carpet Awards

  • Harvard University (MA)

The Harvard Green Carpet Awards were held for the first time this year to honor and recognize Harvard faculty, students, and staff who have made significant contributions to greenhouse gas …

  • Posted June 30, 2010
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The University of Minnesota's Power Police Project: Philosophy, Psychology and Power Strips

  • University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (MN)
  • Minnesota Public Interest Research Group (MN)

Power Police student volunteers help campus office workers save power - especially the "vampire" power that electronic devices draw even when they're turned off. Volunteers make simple changes to offices …

  • Posted June 30, 2010
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Phillips Brooks House Student Weatherization Project

  • Harvard University (MA)

On May 2nd, more than 50 Harvard students took a break from studying for finals and picked up caulk guns to help improve the energy efficiency of the Phillips Brooks …

  • Posted June 30, 2010
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Friday Night Lights: Social Networking Meets Energy Savings

  • Bowling Green State University (OH)

Students gathered every Friday evening at 6:30pm at the Union. They armed themselves with clipboards and checklists, and divided into teams. Lights left on in classrooms and hallways in academic …

  • Posted June 30, 2010
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Implementation of ZotWheels Automated Bikeshare at the University of California, Irvine

  • University of California, Irvine (CA)

ZotWheels bikeshare is the first automated bikeshare program in California and only the second at a university in the United States. ZotWheels was designed and implemented by Parking and Transportation …

  • Posted June 29, 2010
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40 Days of Change- Coordinating Campus and Community Events for Maximum Impact

  • University of Florida (FL)

40 Days of Change was a campaign hosted by the UF Office of Sustianability to provide an opportunity for campus and community members to learn more about sustainability initiatives throughout …

  • Posted June 29, 2010
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Engaging Catholic Colleges and Universities with Sustainability as a Moral Issue

  • University of Notre Dame (IN)

In October 2009, we hosted "Renewing the Campus: Sustainability and the Catholic University", the first conference dedicated to enhancing understanding, activism, and cooperation among Catholic universities in the area of …

  • Posted June 28, 2010
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Planet Blue: Saving Energy, Saving Money and Saving the Planet at the University of Michigan

  • University of Michigan (MI)

The Planet Blue program was developed as part of the University of Michigan's 6-point Environmental and Energy Initiative to help reduce energy consumption on the Ann Arbor campus in an …

  • Posted June 28, 2010
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Student Residents Save Energy at LSU

  • Louisiana State University (LA)

Sponsored by the LSU College of Engineering, UNPLUG sought to promote an understanding throughout the LSU on-campus community of what energy conservation entails. The goal was to empower students to …

  • Posted June 28, 2010
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A Sustainable Thanksgiving Feast: Preserving Heritage Turkeys

  • Emory University (GA)

For the second year in a row Emory has partnered with Heritage Foods USA to present the Thanksgiving Heritage Harvest Feast. The Feast features Heritage turkeys, an older breed of …

  • Posted June 16, 2010
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Student Activism Leads the Way to Clean Energy at Green Mountain College

  • Green Mountain College (VT)

On April 22, 2010, Green Mountain College opened a new biomass facility to replace the power station that previously burned number six fuel oil. This new facility will reduce greenhouse …

  • Posted June 14, 2010
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Launching the Social Innovation Incubator at Portland State University

  • Portland State University (OR)

The Portland State University Social Innovation Incubator (SII) accelerates the impact of social innovations by addressing the specific needs of a growing cadre of social entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs (i.e., within …

UO vs OSU Energy Civil War

  • University of Oregon (OR)

The University of Oregon (UO) and Oregon State University (OSU) staged a human-powered energy generation contest to see which school could produce the most energy from their Recreation Centers' ReCardio …

Get-on-the-Map: Mapping Sustainability at Ball State University

  • Ball State University (IN)

We have developed a web-based technique for collecting and sharing STARS reporting information. This "get-on-the-map" web site uses the STARS reporting categories to structure a display of icons as informational …

This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

EN 1: Student Educators Program

EN 2: Student Orientation

EN 3: Student Life

EN 4: Student Life

EN 5: Student Life

EN 6: Assessing Sustainability Culture

EN 7: Employee Educators Program

EN 8: Employee Orientation

EN 9: Staff Professional Development & Training

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

Campus Engagement Partners