Campus Engagement


Engaging in sustainability issues through co-curricular activities allows students to deepen and apply their understandings of sustainability principles. Institution-sponsored co-curricular sustainability offerings, often coordinated by student affairs offices, help integrate sustainability into the campus culture and set a positive tone for the institution. Faculty and staff members’ daily decisions impact an institution’s sustainability performance. Equipping faculty and staff with the tools, knowledge, and motivation to adopt behavior changes that promote sustainability is an essential activity of a sustainable campus.

4266 resources

Talking Trash for America Recycles Day

  • College & University Recycling Coalition (DC)

The purpose of America Recycles Day is to raise awareness about the importance of recycling and waste reduction in conserving natural resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The 34 percent …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Five Fabulous Ways Schools Celebrated Campus Sustainability Day 2012

  • AASHE (MA)

I'm delighted to report that the 10th anniversary of Campus Sustainability Day Oct. 24 saw record participation from colleges. More than 150 institutions - triple the number from last year …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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STARS Blog: Sustainable Choices for Students in the Upcoming Academic Year

  • AASHE (MA)

During the month of August, recent high school graduates across North America are completing final preparations for college and university life. New students face countless decisions, such as what to …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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AASHE Earth Week Project

  • AASHE (MA)

AASHE's 1,132 members and 286 STARS Institutions are at the forefront of education, operations, planning and engagement initiatives toward a more sustainable campus, community and world. In observance of Earth …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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AASHE Student Diary Series: Seeing Like a Planet

  • University of Michigan (MI)

On December 7, 1972 – at 5:39 a.m. EST to be exact – astronauts on the Apollo 17 mission took a photograph that transformed how we saw our home, Earth. …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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AASHE Student Diary Series: The GREEN Life

  • Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick Campus (NJ)

This is the story of three Rutgers University students with a simple idea born in the hopes of educating and showing their peers the ever-expanding world of renewable energy. Three …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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AASHE Student Diary Series: Abuzz with Rooftop Bees

  • Harvard University (MA)

The novice beekeeping adventures of a group of Graduate School of Design (GSD) students at Harvard University are featured in this installment of the AASHE Bulletin Sustainability Student Diary series. …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Student Sustainability Educators: A Guide to Creating and Maintaining an Eco-Rep Program

  • National Wildlife Federation (VA)
  • AASHE (MA)

Co-published by AASHE and National Wildlife Federation’s Campus Ecology program, this step-by-step guide takes readers through the design, implementation and evaluation stages of an Eco-Rep program. It includes case studies, …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Where Meaning Lies: Student Attitudes and Behaviors related to Sustainability in College

  • New York University (NY)

While sustainability is a national priority, an intriguing gap seems to exist between peoples' perceptions of sustainability as an issue and their levels of actual engagement. This study aimed to …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Student Green Fund Implementation in U.S. Colleges and Universities from 1973-2010

  • Harvard University (MA)
  • University of Vermont (VT)

College campuses across the U.S. and abroad have seen a growth of student campaigns to take institutional action on climate change. The campus sustainability movement, an outgrowth of the environmental …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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H204U: The Culture of Water Consumption at New York University

  • New York University (NY)

While an abundance of information about the negative environmental impacts of bottled water exists, there are few, if any, bottom-up studies of why and how people choose and understand the …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Peer to Peer Sustainability Outreach Programs: The Interface of Education and Behavior Change

  • University of Vermont (VT)

The current climate change crisis demands immediate and creative approaches for systemic shifts in our culture and actions. In the past several decades, education has played a role in bringing …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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The Human Dimension of Energy Conservation and Sustainability

  • University of Michigan (MI)

The purpose of this paper is to determine the behaviors, attitudes, and levels of understanding among faculty, staff, and students in efforts to design programs aimed at reducing energy use …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Environmentally Responsible Attitudes and Behavior among Elon University Students

  • Elon University (NC)

In 2008, the Elon administration made a commitment towards becoming a carbon-neutral campus. However, most of the action plans are largely infrastructural and do not encourage active student engagement/participation. As …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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2009 Collegiate Athletic Department Sustainability Survey Report

  • AASHE (MA)

Shows that while sustainability efforts appear to be growing within collegiate athletics, commitment to sustainability is lower among athletic departments than compared to their institutions as a whole and to …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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UC San Diego vs. Preuss Ecology Club - Top Down vs Bottom Up

  • University of California, San Diego (CA)

For a university like UC San Diego (UCSD), it appears that they are at the forefront of most innovative environmental projects and objectives. However, as they continue to receive national …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Minnesota Campus Energy Challenge 2009 Analysis and Recommendations

  • Macalester College (MN)

This report is an analysis of the Minnesota 2009 Campus Energy Challenge (MCEC) from the point of view of the principal state organizer, Arielle Miwa Oseki Robbins, the principal Macalester …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Sustainability at Universities - Opportunities, Challenges and Trends

This book provides a concrete contribution towards the goal of fostering sustainability at universities, by especially focusing on opportunities, challenges and trends. It contains a wide range of papers written …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Green Study for Greeks: The Determination of Environmental Sustainability within the Greek Community of WPI

  • Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA)

Commissioned by the Greek Alumni Council (GAC) of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), the purpose of this project was to raise awareness within the Greek community of sustainability issues and …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Survey of Environmental Behaviors in UVM Residence Halls: Report on Findings

  • University of Vermont (VT)

In the spring of 2007, an electronic survey was sent out to residents of four residential complexes at the University of Vermont (UVM). The goals of this survey were to …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Raise the Funds: Campus Action Toolkit

  • AASHE (MA)

This is a guide to funding mechanisms for campus sustainability projects and initiatives for students, staff and administrators. It was released in November 2008.

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Creating a Green Community: Understanding Student Environmental Behaviors for Increased Campus Participation at Northwestern University

  • Northwestern University (IL)

Today, the world is facing a crisis the likes of which has not been seen before. The onset of global warming in recent times has initiated the growth of environmental …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Organizing Residence Hall Conservation Competitions: A Guide for Students

  • Furman University (SC)

Since as early as 1990, colleges and universities have been holding competitions to encourage energy and water conservation and waste reduction in college residences. These competitions reward on-campus residents for …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Designing a Social Online Network: Decreasing Fragmentation in the UBC Student Led Sustainability Movement

  • University of British Columbia (BC)

The University of British Columbia has recognized sustainability as being a prominent issue over the past decade, and has become a leader in advocating sustainable practices. Although the University has …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Environmental Ethics and the Culture of Sustainability at Santa Clara University

  • Santa Clara University (CA)

Though Santa Clara University has made a strong commitment to sustainability—one that impacts University spending, building, and planning—little information exists on to what extent and in what forms sustainability has …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Green Campus Success in 30 Minutes or Less!

Ways to teach your students about every area of sustainability in which they can make a difference on campus. Use email/text message tips as way to get to students to …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Social Marketing as a Means to Influence Student Behavior Towards Energy Conservation

  • University of Mary Washington (VA)

Social marketing is one of many approaches to changing behavioral patterns. In this paper, the specific behavior is electricity conservation and the social marketing is provided by NORESCO, one of …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Earth Day as a Catalyst for Campus Environmental Leadership

  • Antioch University, New England (NH)

This paper explores the impact of Earth Day on the development of campus environmental leadership. Personal narratives on the significance of Earth Day are presented in a series of interviews …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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From principle to product: Exploring process through the Solar Decathlon

  • University of Maryland, College Park (MD)

The premise of this thesis is to examine the process and development of the evolution of words into built form. The abstract principle followed through the design process is the …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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A community-based social marketing campaign to green the offices at Pacific University: Recycling, paper reduction and environmentally preferable purchasing

  • Antioch University (OH)

This study describes a community-based social marketing (CBSM) research project to bring awareness and behavior change around paper reduction, recycling, and purchasing of environmentally preferred products (EPP) at a small …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Student Activities Climate Change Resource Guide: How Student Affairs Professionals Can Contribute to Campus Climate Neutrality

  • University of Colorado Boulder (CO)

Campus presidents and chancellors across the country are committing their institutions to a climate neutral future. As of this writing, more than 550 campus leaders have signed the American College …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Environmental sustainability 'inreach' : How the campus community informs itself about environmental issues

  • North Carolina State University (NC)

As many higher education institutions join in the sustainability challenge, several studies recently have emerged that examine the experiences of these institutions in greening their campuses. These studies have identified …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Big News on Campus

  • Carnegie Mellon University (PA)
  • Clemson University (SC)
  • Yale University (CT)

Provides information on the environmental practices of several colleges in the U.S. Benefits of the Yale Sustainable Food Project for local farmers; Condition of living at the dormitories in Carnegie …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Creating a Culture of Sustainability: How Campuses Are Taking the Lead

  • Herman Miller (CO)

Colleges and universities throughout the U.S. are taking a leadership role, as it did in the space race and the war on cancer, in preparing students and providing the information …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Community organization staff perceptions about the importance of selected practices in building effective community-university service and learning partnerships

  • Louisiana State University (LA)

The purpose of this study was to explore community organization staff perceptions about the importance of selected practices in building effective community-university service and learning partnerships. The target population was …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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An Analysis of the Correlation Between the Attitude, Behavior, and Knowledge Components of Environmental Literacy in Undergraduate Unversity Students

  • University of Florida (FL)

The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationships between the major components of environmental literacy—attitudes, behaviors and knowledge—in undergraduate university students; and to examine differences in scores on …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Sustainability and University Life

Prepared in cooperation with the Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future (ULSF), this book presents a number of case studies and experiences which illustrate how higher education institutions …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Ecodemia: Campus Environmental Stewardship at the Turn of the 21st Century

  • National Wildlife Federation (VA)

At campuses around the country, staff, administrators, faculty, and students are redesigning the basic principles on which their institutions operate from day to day. The winners in this transformation are …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Making a large-scale campus rummage sale happen in 17 days!

  • University of Missouri (MO)

Since 2007, MU has been perfecting a process for reducing residence hall waste at the end of the school year move out. Items collected are organized for a rummage sale. …

  • Posted June 23, 2015
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Green Action Fund

  • University of Colorado Colorado Springs (CO)

The Green Action Fund is a student-initiated, student-funded, student-led committee that aims to reduce the ecological footprint of UCCS. They promote sustainable environmental, social and economic values through student-sponsored projects. …

  • Posted June 19, 2015
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A Century of Sustainability

  • University of Washington, Seattle (WA)

This project was created to demonstrate that sustainability efforts have been part of or campus culture for more than a century. From the establishment of the first University of Washington …

  • Posted June 19, 2015
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University of Kentucky Sustainability Challenge Grant Program

  • University of Kentucky (KY)

The University of Kentucky Sustainability Challenge Grant program was designed to engage multidisciplinary teams from the University community in the creation and implementation of initiatives that will promote sustainability by …

  • Posted June 19, 2015
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  • California State University, East Bay (CA)

Since Spring 2011, California State University East Bay (CSUEB) Student Housing has been coordinating a move-out program for on-campus residents. This program is similar to move-out programs at other campuses …

  • Posted June 19, 2015
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RIT FoodShare

  • Rochester Institute of Technology (NY)

RIT FoodShare is an initiative designed to reduce food waste on campus while reducing food insecurity among RIT students. It consists of two components - a facebook group and a …

  • Posted June 12, 2015
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Building the Capacity of Change Agents

  • University of Alberta (AB)

Building a movement to advance sustainability culture requires both institutional changes and changes to personal behaviour. Nestled in this movement of creating a sustainable culture is the important role of …

  • Posted June 11, 2015
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The University of Maryland's Small Footprint Pledge

  • University of Maryland, College Park (MD)

The University of Maryland's Small Footprint Pledge is a way for students, faculty, and staff to make a commitment to minimize their environmental impact by adopting new green behaviors. The …

  • Posted June 11, 2015
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Building a Culture of Sustainability

  • Western Michigan University (MI)

Western Michigan University and its Office for Sustainability apply social learning to leverage behavior change and bridge the "gap" between people's stated aspirations for a sustainable world and their generally …

  • Posted June 11, 2015
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Social Ecological Economic Development Studies (SEEDS) Sustainability Program at the University of British Columbia

  • University of British Columbia (BC)

Over the past 15 years, the SEEDS (Social Ecological Economic Development Studies) Sustainability Program has created partnerships between students, faculty and staff to enable hundreds of innovative and impactful sustainability …

  • Posted June 11, 2015
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Sustainable Carolina: A Case Study in Student Sustainability Leadership

  • University of South Carolina (SC)

The Sustainable Carolina Leadership Program, a sustainability-focused, professional development student engagement program housed at the University of South Carolina, was conceived and developed over the course of six years to …

  • Posted June 11, 2015
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Green Captain Program

  • University of California, Irvine (CA)
  • Aramark (PA)

The Green Captain Program allows UCI Hospitality & Dining student employees who are passionate about sustainability to design and implement practices to reduce environmental impacts (e.g. carbon footprint, water and …

  • Posted June 11, 2015
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This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

EN 1: Student Educators Program

EN 2: Student Orientation

EN 3: Student Life

EN 4: Student Life

EN 5: Student Life

EN 6: Assessing Sustainability Culture

EN 7: Employee Educators Program

EN 8: Employee Orientation

EN 9: Staff Professional Development & Training

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

Campus Engagement Partners