Campus Engagement


Engaging in sustainability issues through co-curricular activities allows students to deepen and apply their understandings of sustainability principles. Institution-sponsored co-curricular sustainability offerings, often coordinated by student affairs offices, help integrate sustainability into the campus culture and set a positive tone for the institution. Faculty and staff members’ daily decisions impact an institution’s sustainability performance. Equipping faculty and staff with the tools, knowledge, and motivation to adopt behavior changes that promote sustainability is an essential activity of a sustainable campus.

4266 resources

A Quantitative Measure of the Culture of Sustainability at Santa Clara University

  • Santa Clara University (CA)

As Santa Clara University (SCU) works to become a leader in sustainability, it is vital to understand the culture of sustainability in the community. A previous study found undergraduate students …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Student Sustainability Education Programs - Where do we go from here?

  • Barnard College (NY)
  • Brandeis University (MA)
  • Elon University (NC)
  • Ithaca College (NY)
  • University of Vermont (VT)

With now over 50 student sustainability education "Eco-Rep" Programs across the US and Canada, several of which are 5-10 years old, it is time to step back, reflect on where …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Growing GRASS and other sustainability initiatives at University of Louisville

  • University of Louisville (KY)

This panel will focus on the sustainability challenges that face a large commuter-based urban university and discuss efforts to overcome these obstacles. Using a three-pronged model of Encouraging Involvement, Inclusion …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Civic Engagement: Drury University's Ozarks Center for Sustainable Solutions

  • Drury University (MO)

Drury University developed a portal through which students connect directly with area businesses for internships and course-based civic engagement to promote sustainable practices and ethics throughout the region. The Ozarks …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Collaborating for success: Developing a Recycling Program in the Middle East

  • Hamad bin Khalifa University (Ad Dawhah)

Qatar Foundation is an organization focused on building capacity for the State of Qatar and the Arabian Gulf region. It accomplishes this goal by supporting a higher education campus called …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Portland Community College - Walking our Talk on Sustainability

  • Portland Community College (OR)

This presentation will describe actions being taken to implement the Portland Community College (PCC) Climate Action Plan. The panel will describe the background and structure of the PCC Climate Energy …

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Green Fee: Three ideas to spur campus sustainability

  • Bemidji State University (MN)

A student Green Fee was inititiated in the Fall of 2008 at Bemidji State University. This session will describe Green Fee Mini-Grants, Sustainability Employment, and an off-the-grid bus stop shelter …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Composting in the Residence Halls: Stories of the Worm-keepers

  • Luther College (IA)

Luther students have started disposing of fruit and vegetable waste in worm composting bins installed Jan. 15 in seven of Luther's residence halls by students from the Luther Sustainability program. …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Engaging Students: Creating a Sustainability Internship Program

  • Oregon Institute of Technology (OR)

Most campuses engaged in sustainability efforts have ambitious goals yet lack the resources and personnel to reach these goals. Students can help with sustainability activities by participating in a carefully …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Energy Competitions: Challenges and Opportunities

  • Green Mountain College (VT)
  • Old Dominion University (VA)
  • Williams College (MA)
  • Northwestern University (IL)
  • Atrius (CA)
  • University at Albany (NY)

How can institutions of higher education leverage resource reduction competitions to engage, educate, and motivate student behavior change?

Campus resource reduction competitions are a powerful platform to engage students in …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Community Partnerships for Sustainable Materials Management

  • Harvard University (MA)
  • Indiana University Bloomington (IN)
  • Ohio University (OH)
  • University of Oregon (OR)

Can campuses help our neediest neighbors and reduce greenhouse gas at the same time? Yes we can. This session will offer several examples of how schools partner with other non-profit …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Working with Athletics

  • Ohio University (OH)
  • The Ohio State University (OH)
  • University of Florida (FL)
  • University of Texas at Austin (TX)

This session will explore concrete ideas for how a campus' sustainability officer can work with the Athletics Department, how Athletics often leads the way in innovation, and how to use …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Cultivating a Culture of Sustainability on Campus

  • Haywood Community College (NC)
  • University of California, Irvine (CA)
  • University of Minnesota, Morris (MN)
  • Second Nature (MA)

Roundtable speakers will: 1) outline their thoughts on fostering the cultural changes that are imperative in successfully engendering deep sustainability in the higher education context; and 2) present replicable, practical …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Doing More with Less: Tapping Campus Partnerships and Online Resources

  • Duke University (NC)
  • North Carolina State University (NC)
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (NC)

Tough economic times have brought new challenges in sustainability outreach and engagement. Facing tight budgets, sustainability professionals must think creatively to reach their campus community. Highlighted in this panel presentation …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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How to Conduct an Eco-Charrette for Existing Buildings

  • Indiana University Bloomington (IN)
  • Leonardo Academy (WI)
  • Hellmuth + Bicknese Architects (MO)

If you want to make your existing buildings as energy efficient as your new "silver" certified buildings, where do you start? We chose one of the largest, most complex buildings …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Engaging Students in Measuring Sustainability: Aligning STARS with People, Planet, Purpose

  • Northern Arizona University (AZ)
  • University of Colorado Colorado Springs (CO)

The role of higher education is to provide education and research as well as leadership by example. With regard to such an important issue as sustainability, it is vital that …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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America's Greenest Campus: Sustainability at Rio Salado College

  • Rio Salado College (AZ)
  • Scottsdale Community College (AZ)
  • SmartPower (DC)

Building a sustainable campus takes good policies - and engagement of students both in and out of the classroom.

In 2009, Rio Salado College won SmartPower's America's Greenest Campus contest, …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Cultivating Sustainable Campuses - One Conversation at a Time

  • University of Arkansas at Little Rock (AR)
  • Presidio Graduate School (CA)
  • (OR)

Description: Our session will engage participants in our sustainability-themed discussion circles and will offer guidance on how to utilize these resources on campus. Presentation will highlight examples of colleges and …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Meeting People Where They Are: Tactics for Campus Culture Change

  • Emory University (GA)
  • Johns Hopkins University (MD)

Sustainability often gets associated with placing recycling bins or hosting an earth day event, but these small tasks often mask the complexity of developing a comprehensive program at an institutional …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Earth Day and Beyond: Sustainability and Campus Programs

  • Green Mountain College (VT)
  • Old Dominion University (VA)

Campus events have the opportunity to engage students along with staff, faculty and community members in local and global sustainability issues and activities that are both educational and entertaining. Options …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Best Practices for Green Student Organizations

  • Presidio Graduate School (CA)
  • Princeton Energy Systems (PA)

This lecture will promote best practices for environmental student organizations. It will highlight how students can market themselves sustainably, convince decision makers, effectively network, and cultivate their own leadership to …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Effective Peer-to-Peer Behavior Change Programs for Universities

  • University of British Columbia (BC)
  • Simon Fraser University (BC)

A workshop which aims to prepare participants to design and develop effective peer-to-peer behavior change and sustainability leadership programs within a university setting. The majority of peer-to-peer behavior change programs …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Climate Action Planning and Student Engagement

  • State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (NY)
  • Syracuse University (NY)

Sustainability and Climate Action efforts SUNY ESF first engaged students in a formal way in 2000. Students developed ESF's first assessment of the energy required to educate and undergraduate student …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Environmental Sustainability Living and Learning Community

  • University of Denver (CO)

The Environmental Sustainability Living and Learning Community (ESLLC) at the University of Denver provides first-year students the opportunity to activate their classroom learning through eco-curricular team learning, experiential education, and …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Student Sustainability Fees: What Do We Do When They Pass?

  • Western Michigan University (MI)

In our March 2010 student government elections, after a wide-reaching and creative campaign, Western Michigan University (WMU) students voted to support a fee to finance campus sustainability initiatives. In April, …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Carbon Offsets in a Local Setting: Final Results from the Green House Project

  • Ohio University (OH)

The Green House Project was a split-incentive and education program which targeted both student renters and their landlords (hence the "split") in the Athens OH area in order to improve …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Promoting and Practicing Sustainability

  • Red Rocks Community College (CO)

The panel will present short papers on how we promoted sustainability across the curriculum, set up faculty workshops, but also trained students and faculty to go and participate in helping …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Financing Sustainability Audits, Outreach, and Education: The Greening Operations (GO!) Team

  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)

The Building Sustainability @ Cal Program (BS@C) works to reduce the environmental impact of campus buildings by educating students in green building topics, project implementation, and professionalism with the ultimate …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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4 Rs: Residents Reduce, Re-use, & Recycle

  • University of Wyoming (WY)

The main goal for our presentation is to educate and inform attendees that young adults are leading the way on the UW campus in recycling, reducing and re-using. This discussion …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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How Passion Inspired the Evolution of Energy Reduction to Sustainability

  • Washington University in St. Louis (MO)

The business case for Sustainability is more compelling than ever in tough economic times. Energy costs serve as one of the largest budget items and represent enormous potential savings for …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Campus Success through Collaboration and Student Engagement

  • Arizona State University (AZ)

Building student support for university sustainability programs is the fundamental element that will catalyze the necessary culture change to create an aware and engaged society and the resulting long-term programmatic …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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It Won't Decay, Don't Throw It Away!

  • Indiana University Bloomington (IN)

Building on the success of an electronic waste collection campaign the previous year, Indiana University organizers expanded the planning, promotion and implementation of the 2010 Electronic Waste Collection Days to …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Measuring Change in Pro-environmental Behavior: SJSU's Ecological Footprint Challenge

  • San Jose State University (CA)

In 2009, the Sustainability Initiative at San Jose State University created two unique programs to engage its 25,000 students, faculty, and staff in understanding and taking action on the impact …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Going Global: Green Guide for Sustainability at Dalhousie, Africa, and beyond!

  • Dalhousie University (NS)

The College of Sustainability at Dalhousie University is a new interfaculty unit responding to global concern regarding environmental, economic, and social issues and the achievement of sustainable prosperity. The first …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Eating Our Way to Green

  • Northern Arizona University (AZ)

While students are generally recognized as critical to the success of campus sustainability endeavors - many student groups are prime movers, in fact - their rapid turnover and apparent distractability …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Catalyzing Student Sustainability Engagement and Leadership with Campus Living Laboratorites

  • Portland State University (OR)

Two new Student Affairs programs at Portland State University are creating systems that allow students to engage in campus sustainability through hands-on education. The Sustainability Leadership Center is a new …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Change Starts at “Home:” Promoting Sustainable Living in Residence Halls

  • Southern Methodist University (TX)

The Beatles once sang, "You say you want a revolution. Well you know, we all want to change the world." SMU's Residence Life program wanted to help change the world …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Student Driven Campus Biodiesel

  • State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (NY)

The State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF) started producing biodiesel for its fleet four years ago. The project was initiated by an undergraduate …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Student Engagement: Supporting and inspiring sustainability leadership on campus

  • University of Alberta (AB)

Involving students in Campus Sustainability provides a wonderful opportunity to increase project reach, raise awareness and support the development of sustainability leaders. As Universities continue to grow efforts to create …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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UCLA Action Research Teams: Model for Collaborative Sustainability Research

  • University of California, Los Angeles (CA)

The UCLA Action Research Team (ART) program is part of the student-led Education for Sustainable Living Program, run on several UC campuses across California under the umbrella group the California …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Implementing a Local Food Fundraiser on your Campus

  • University of Missouri (MO)

This session will provide tools to plan and measure the success of a campus-wide fundraiser. The Local Food for Local People food drive has successfully raised over $1,000 in each …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Empowering students for sustainability

  • Utah State University (UT)

Three Utah State University students will be presenting on empowering students to become involved in sustainability activities both on and off campus. Special emphasis will be given to a) student …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Baking Sustainability Into Co-Curricular Programs

  • Warren Wilson College (NC)

Experiential, co-curricular programs can galvanize campus sustainability action and empower students to make sustainable decisions in a way classroom experiences cannot. Every campus has the opportunity to develop co-curricular programs …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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First-Year Experience: A Cross-Campus Integration of Sustainability Education

  • Appalachian State University (NC)

This presentation will highlight a unique cross campus collaboration focused on the integration of sustainability education and service learning into Appalachian State University's First Year Seminar Program and Residential Learning …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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The Student Green Fee: Lessons Learned from the First Year

  • Bowling Green State University (OH)

The number of universities with some form of "Student Green Fee" are increasing each year. Bowling Green State University joined the ranks of these institutions and just completed its first …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Training the next generation of environmental problem solvers

  • Colorado State University (CO)

a) Background

The most critical issues facing the world stem from complex interactions between humans and the environment. The School of Global Environmental Sustainability (SoGES) at CSU established 2008 is …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Excellence in Education - the Duke Smart Home Program

  • Duke University (NC)

The Duke Smart Home Program began in 2003 when a student had an idea to design a place where students could live and work together on projects of sustainability and …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Got stuff? Chuck it for Charity: A student move out collection initiative

  • Florida State University (FL)

Each spring over 6,000 Florida State University on-campus residents move out of the residence halls, leaving behind tons of unwanted "stuff" that is usually sent directly to the landfill. Chuck …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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E=(LG)2 : Writing Sustainability

  • Frostburg State University (MD)

E=(LG)2 is the only student-written and student-edited magazine in the country on sustainability. The magazine is based at Frostburg State University in western Maryland. According to the magazine website "E=Energy; …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Putting it all together: The Push for Renewable Energy inside & outside the classroom

  • Green Mountain College (VT)

In this session, the importance of collaborative campus sustainability efforts will be highlighted. On Earth Day, 2010, Green Mountain College opened its new Combined Heat and Power Biomass Plant. This …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

EN 1: Student Educators Program

EN 2: Student Orientation

EN 3: Student Life

EN 4: Student Life

EN 5: Student Life

EN 6: Assessing Sustainability Culture

EN 7: Employee Educators Program

EN 8: Employee Orientation

EN 9: Staff Professional Development & Training

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

Campus Engagement Partners