Campus Engagement


Engaging in sustainability issues through co-curricular activities allows students to deepen and apply their understandings of sustainability principles. Institution-sponsored co-curricular sustainability offerings, often coordinated by student affairs offices, help integrate sustainability into the campus culture and set a positive tone for the institution. Faculty and staff members’ daily decisions impact an institution’s sustainability performance. Equipping faculty and staff with the tools, knowledge, and motivation to adopt behavior changes that promote sustainability is an essential activity of a sustainable campus.

4266 resources

UMass Amherst Celebrates Earth Day

  • University of Massachusetts Amherst (MA)

Earth Day 2016 events at UMass Amherst include a compost worm bin workshop and pollinator garden plantings in UMass Permaculture Gardens.

Earth Week at University at Buffalo 2016

  • University at Buffalo (NY)

From lectures and luncheons to clean-ups and competitions, to art exhibits and SLICE awards, this year’s Earth Week line up had something for everyone. Thanks to everyone for all the …

We Are All In This Together: Arbor Day Tree Planting

  • Roosevelt University (IL)

Arbor Day Observance in which kids from Bright Horizons Daycare (located on Roosevelt University's (RU) Schaumburg Campus), and RU tradesmen, staff, and students, and RU's arborist planted a tree. This …

Developing key competencies for sustainable development in higher education

  • Leuphana University of Lüneburg


To date, little attention has been given to the circumstances in which the process of developing key competencies for sustainable development may take place. The purpose of this paper …

Advancing Civic Learning and Engagement in Democracy: A Road Map and Call to Action

Education in America must prepare all students for informed participation in civic and democratic life—so that all Americans are ready to tackle the challenges confronting communities and the nation in …

Colorado State Earth Day Festival

  • Colorado State University (CO)

On April 22, 2016 Colorado State held an Earth Day Festival to engage the campus community in activites related to sustainability. It was a gorgeous day & we had lots …

2016 Earth Week at UC Berkeley

  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)

The culmination of UC Berkeley student sustainability actions is most prominent during UC Berkeley’s annual Earth Week celebration. UC Berkeley students have designated Earth Week as the time to rejuvenate …

Austin College GreenServe 2016

  • Austin College (TX)

This year Austin College celebrates another successful GreenServe - a student organized and campus wide event that reaches to support and encourage environmental responsibility as well as sustainability. Volunteers contributed …

SustainableCI "What's On Your Plate" Challenge

  • California State University, Channel Islands (CA)

GIven California's drought situation, it was important to have a water themed challenge for Earth Day 2016, and using as a reference source, "What's On Your Plate" was created …

Earth Day at University of Maryland

  • University of Maryland, College Park (MD)

Students at the University of Maryland hosted the annual Earth Day Festival at the Stamp Student Union on Friday, April 22. This year's theme for the event was social justice. …

Pedal-powered smoothies to celebrate Earth Day at Case Western Reserve University!

  • Case Western Reserve University (OH)

We borrowed a bike-powered blender (a Fender Blender) from our on-site gym and had a few of our Sustainability Ambassadors help students and visiting families make their own pedal-powered smoothies …

ENERGY STAR Photo Booth at Northwestern University

  • Northwestern University (IL)

ENERGY STAR is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency program that helps organizations and individuals save money and protect our climate through superior energy efficiency. Northwestern is an ENERGY STAR partner, …

Lehigh University Earth Day 2016

  • Lehigh University (PA)

Lehigh University celebrated Earth Day by hosting a couple of weeks of educational and engaging events. This year Earth Week at Lehigh was from April 12 to April 30. Faculty, …

CNU Green Earthday Clean-up

  • Christopher Newport University (VA)

Christopher Newport University's Office of Sustainability (CNU Green) hosted a volunteer event to clean up Lake Maury. Lake Maury is a lake in Newport News, VA which is part of …

University of Virginia Earth Week

  • University of Virginia (VA)

The University of Virginia Earth Week is a UVA tradition that celebrates the planet we all share. Students, faculty, staff, and community members are invited to experience sustainability at any …

U Central Florida Earth Day 2016: "Message in a Bottle"

  • University of Central Florida (FL)

Amongst other Earth Day 2016 celebrations around the University of Central Florida’s campus such as paddle boarding on Lake Claire and a sustainability resource fair in the Student Union, the …

Earth Week 2016

  • Chemeketa Community College (OR)

Chemeketa held a two-part Earth week celebration. Earth Day was celebrated with a food, vendors, a plant sale, a student club fair, and a lively drum circle. Performers from the …

Sustainable Development Goals

  • State University of New York at Fredonia (NY)

For this project, my objective was to initially get my campus to adopt the United Nation's Sustainable Development goals. I didn't have any expectations as to how the campus would …

Green, Greener, Greenest

Green is good for the planet, but also for a college’s public image. In a Princeton Review survey this year of 10,300 college applicants, 63 percent said that a college’s …

At students' behest, colleges add efforts to address climate change


More and more, prospective students want to know what universities are doing about climate change - from reducing their own carbon footprint to preparing students for the environmental challenges ahead.

University of New Hampshire Dumpster Dive

  • University of New Hampshire (NH)

The “Earth Day Dumpster Dive,” was organized by the UNH Sustainability Institute and the Zero Waste Task Force and sought to examine the waste habits of the campus community in …

Celebrating campus sustainability leadership on Earth Day 2016

  • University of Alberta (AB)

The University of Alberta's annual Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards are given out on April 22 to help celebrate Earth Day. This year, we awarded seven groups and individuals for their …

UConn Earth Day Spring Fling & Arbor Day

  • University of Connecticut (CT)

Students gather on Fairfield Way for UConn’s annual Earth Day Spring Fling.

Portland State University hosts Earth Day festival

  • Portland State University (OR)

Students hosted the ninth annual Earth Day festival in the PSU park blocks. The event included a free tea station, clothing swap, free seeds, and informational tables. Educational events were …

  • Posted April 29, 2016
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Sustainability Works: Rethinking Business As Usual

  • (OR)

Northwest Earth Institute's newest discussion-based course book, Sustainability Works: Rethinking Business as Usual, offers sustainability staff a ready-made employee engagement process designed to inspire green teams and employee teams alike …

  • Posted April 29, 2016
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Sustainable Stanford Earth Day Photos

  • Stanford University (CA)

On April 19, 2016, Stanford’s academic, student, local community and leadership came together to celebrate our university’s history of sustainability discovery, innovations and application.

Knowledge to Action was the result …

  • Posted April 29, 2016
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Princeton University's Earth Day Celebration

  • Princeton University (NJ)

The Princeton University community came together to celebrate the earth with food, informational booths, performances and more! The event was organized by the student group, Green Princeton.

  • Posted April 29, 2016
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Measuring the educational impacts of a graduate course on sustainable development

  • Texas A&M University (TX)

While university‐level education is increasingly recognized as an important component of sustainable approaches to development, little empirical research has been done on the impact of sustainability education on student behavior. …

  • Posted April 29, 2016
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Promoting sustainability values within career‐oriented degree programmes: A case study analysis

  • University of Plymouth (Devon)


– This paper aims to analyse an initiative to provide learners on “career‐based” programmes with opportunities to reflect upon their values within the context of sustainability.


– An …

  • Posted April 29, 2016
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University of Washington Green Greek program

  • University of Washington, Seattle (WA)

The UW EcoReps student group works with representatives of Greek chapters on campus to make the Greek community more sustainable. The Green Greek program works with houses to bring their …

  • Posted April 29, 2016
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Frostburg State University Earth Day Events

  • Frostburg State University (MD)

Frostburg State University celebrates Earth Day each year with a variety of free events presented as "Focus Frostburg." In 2016, events included film presentations, tree plantings, sustainability presentations by students …

  • Posted April 29, 2016
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University of Washington Earth Day

  • University of Washington, Seattle (WA)

The UW Earth Day celebrations brought students, faculty, staff and community members together to celebrate the environmental stewardship and sustainability efforts across our UW campuses. Groups shared information about their …

  • Posted April 28, 2016
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Earth Day at California State University, East Bay!

  • California State University, East Bay (CA)

The Zero Waste Team was out tabling this Earth Day along with the Solar Club, GIS, ASI, the Biology Department, Transportation and Parking Services, and other organizations on campus!

  • Posted April 28, 2016
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Seattle University - Sustainability Video

  • Seattle University (WA)

Published on Jun 9, 2014

As a Jesuit institution, Seattle University is called to ground its teaching, research and service in social and environmental justice. Sustainability is a way of …

  • Posted April 28, 2016
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Organic Educational Opportunities at the University of Minnesota: The Role of a Student-run Organic Farm

  • University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (MN)

Although the number of students in conventional production agriculture is declining, there is increased interest and opportunity in growing organic fruits and vegetables. Land grant universities need to invest in …

  • Posted April 28, 2016
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Development of a Year-round Student Organic Farm and Organic Farming Curriculum at Michigan State University

  • Michigan State University (MI)

How do you teach community supported agriculture (CSA) principles, small-scale organic farming, and local food issues at a major land grant university and develop related small-scale farming research and outreach? …

  • Posted April 28, 2016
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Menu Psychology to Encourage Healthy Menu Selections at a New Jersey University

  • Montclair State University (NJ)

The objective of this research was to investigate whether merchandizing strategies could encourage college students to make healthy foodservice menu selections. Two hundred sixty-six Montclair State University, New Jersey, students …

  • Posted April 28, 2016
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Local foods in a university setting: Price consciousness, product involvement, price/quality inference and consumer's willingness-to-pay

  • University of South Carolina (SC)

The current study looks at the relationship between price consciousness, product involvement, price/quality inference, and consumer's willingness-to-pay related to local foods in a university foodservice environment. The study develops a …

  • Posted April 28, 2016
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Student Sustainability Advisory Committee Materials

  • University of Central Florida (FL)

A webform was created for an easily accessible application that allowed for extensive outreach. The application did not require any paper usage and allowed for easy organization. The application did …

Earth Day at the University of Minnesota

  • University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (MN)

At the Earth Day fair, we hosted a free succulent planting for students that posted "5 sustainable selfies" with the hashtag #MySustainableU. The planters were donated from the ReUse program …

  • Posted April 27, 2016
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Indiana University Celebrates Earth Day

  • Indiana University Bloomington (IN)

Indiana University celebrated Earth Day 2016 by engaging students in creating a rain garden. The installation of a rain garden outside the IU Student Recreational Sports Center began April 15 …

  • Posted April 27, 2016
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Portland Community College Sustainability: We're all in this together

  • Portland Community College (OR)

Published on Mar 30, 2015

Sustainability at Portland Community College


Video produced by the PCC Office of Sustainability and the PCC Video Production Unit

Producers: Michael Annus and …

  • Posted April 26, 2016
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Celebrating Earth Day One Bite at a Time

  • Indiana State University (IN)

On Earth Day at ISU, Sodexo closes one of our dining halls and has an outdoor picnic instead, where students can use their meal plans for a lunch featuring ingredients …

  • Posted April 26, 2016
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A Culture of Sustainability at the University of Montana

The University of Montana Office of Sustainability and ASUM Sustainability Center partnered with a student production company, KPCN, to produce a video that represents the grassroots culture of sustainability at …

  • Posted April 26, 2016
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Spring FARMal at American University

  • American University (DC)

Spring FARMAL, Co-hosted by the AU Community Garden and Office of Sustainability, celebrated Earth Day with a screen on the green of "Plant This," outdoor crafts and activities, local food, …

  • Posted April 26, 2016
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Stock Images for Waste Signs

  • Babson College (MA)

Cut-out images with transparent backgrounds of various items for use in recycling, trash, and compost informational materials.

Images created by Connie Hsu and Sheen Hui for the Babson College Sustainability …

  • Posted April 26, 2016
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The Class of 2000 Report: Environmental Education, Practices and Activism on Campus

The aims of this report are twofold: to provide basic information and ideas which will enhance the understanding of environmental education, practices and activism on campus; and to develop action …

  • Posted April 25, 2016
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Taking the University to Task: For many colleges and universities, environmental studies are no longer just academic

  • Worldwatch Institute

This article provides an overview of the campus sustainability movement in 1998, with a focus on student activism and engagement.

  • Posted April 25, 2016
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UCF Sustainability Initiatives

  • University of Central Florida (FL)

At Sustainability Initiatives, we seek to create an environment where ideas are freely shared, partnerships are formed and solutions are uncovered in the pursuit of environmental, economic and social sustainability. …

  • Posted April 25, 2016
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Eco Hawks: Sustainability @ UIowa

  • University of Iowa (IA)

Climate change is the greatest issue of our time and sustainability is the solution. Here at the University of Iowa, a place that provides services to not only Iowans but …

  • Posted April 22, 2016
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This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

EN 1: Student Educators Program

EN 2: Student Orientation

EN 3: Student Life

EN 4: Student Life

EN 5: Student Life

EN 6: Assessing Sustainability Culture

EN 7: Employee Educators Program

EN 8: Employee Orientation

EN 9: Staff Professional Development & Training

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

Campus Engagement Partners