Campus Engagement


Engaging in sustainability issues through co-curricular activities allows students to deepen and apply their understandings of sustainability principles. Institution-sponsored co-curricular sustainability offerings, often coordinated by student affairs offices, help integrate sustainability into the campus culture and set a positive tone for the institution. Faculty and staff members’ daily decisions impact an institution’s sustainability performance. Equipping faculty and staff with the tools, knowledge, and motivation to adopt behavior changes that promote sustainability is an essential activity of a sustainable campus.

4266 resources

Webinar: Leveraging Social Media for Sustainability Campus Engagement During and Beyond COVID-19

  • AASHE (MA)
  • American University of Sharjah

In this interactive session you will learn how to effectively use social media platforms to engage with your campus community virtually, when it is not possible to conduct on campus …

  • Posted Sept. 16, 2021
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UC Berkeley Student Engagement and Community

  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)

Students at the Iconic UC Berkeley Sather Gate

  • Posted Sept. 10, 2021
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UC Berkeley Staff Focusing on Wellbeing and Health in the Workplace

  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)

Staff wellbeing practices during COVID.

  • Posted Sept. 10, 2021
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UC Berkeley Student Engagement and Community

  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)

A variety of photos showing student life.

University of Queensland Wellbeing at work

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

UQ yoga class on campus


  • Florida Gulf Coast University (FL)

FGCU photo for 2021 Sustainable Campus Index (SCI)


  • Florida Gulf Coast University (FL)

FGCU photos for 2021 Sustainable Campus Index (SCI)


  • Florida Gulf Coast University (FL)

FGCU photos for 2021 Sustainable Campus Index (SCI)


  • Florida Gulf Coast University (FL)

FGCU photos for 2021 Sustainable Campus Index (SCI)

Bates College students install solar on their coastal research facility.

  • Bates College (ME)

Bates College students install solar on their coastal research facility. This facility is now 100% solar thanks to the work of the students.

Bates College students working in the organic, no-till student garden.

  • Bates College (ME)

Bates College students working in the organic, no-till student garden.

Grand Valley State University Surplus Store

  • Grand Valley State University (MI)

Artwork on the window of the GVSU Surplus Store

Equipping Students for Lives of Impact

  • Davidson College (NC)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Trust (MA)

As a community of practice, sustainability professionals sometimes forget the driving mission of higher education institutions. By helping students to develop skills of change agency and to discern their own …

  • Posted Sept. 3, 2021
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PCC Student Leader with Climate Rally Sign

  • Portland Community College (OR)

A student leader at Portland Community College's Cascade campus shows off the sign they made for the youth climate rally during PCC's annual Eco-social Justice Day event. This photo was …

PCC Students Visit Portlandia Farmstandia

  • Portland Community College (OR)

Students shop for fresh veggies and honey harvested on campus while visiting Portland Community College's farm stand, also referred to as Portlandia Farmstandia. This photo was taken prior to March, …

Sterling College Break Free from Plastic Pledge

  • Sterling College (VT) (VT)

Sterling College proudly displays their signed #BreakFreeFromPlastic Campus pledge, which guides colleges and universities towards single-use plastic elimination and waste elimination. Sterling College, a federally designated Work College in Vermont, …

Campus Sustainability Month Tips 2021

  • AASHE (MA)

This document gives some helpful tips to get started on planning events throughout Campus Sustainability Month.

Monarch Nursery Program

  • Dawson College (QC)

The flowers of the Dawson College Ecological Peace Garden and naturalized rooftops are part of a nectar corridor for monarchs flying over Montreal. College students and staff have been rearing …

The R'Garden

  • University of California, Riverside (CA)

The R'Garden is a community garden at University of California, Riverside that is committed to increasing local food access in Riverside and emphasizing the importance of a sustainable food system. …

Elected SD Ambassador of 2020 with UM6P President

  • University Mohammed VI Polytechnic

The elected SD Ambassador of 2020, Ms. Houyame Hakmi, who won the title of the SD Ambassador of the year receiving her trophy by the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University President, …


  • University Mohammed VI Polytechnic

The SD Ambassadors 2021 organized collecting funds campaigns in the 2nd edition of UM6P Food Bank.

1st Phase Zero Waste Movement at UM6P

  • University Mohammed VI Polytechnic

The Sustainable Development Ambassadors of Chemical & Biochemical Sciences and Green Process Engineering Program have volunteered to sell reusable mugs to their peers during the launch of Zero Waste Movement …

UM6P SAP+D Green Tour

  • University Mohammed VI Polytechnic

The Sustainable Development Ambassadors of School of Architecture, planning and design organized a green tour to the new students in order to highlight the sustainable development aspects of the campus …

SD Ambassadors 2021 First Briefing Session

  • University Mohammed VI Polytechnic

After benefiting from an online sustainable development workshop by Pr. Eric Bauce from Université Laval. They met under the pergola for an introductory session to talk about their passion and …

Alumni Memorial Hall within Randolph Hall, College of Charleston

  • College of Charleston (SC)

This is the central ceremonial space of the College, within one of its oldest continually used buildings.

Odeyto Indigenous Centre - Seneca College

  • Seneca Polytechnic (ON)

Odeyto Indigenous Centre - Seneca College built and opened a new indigenous centre at its Newnham Campus in 2018. Odeyto, the new home of First Peoples@Seneca, means “the good journey” …

University of Pittsburgh Textile Recycling

  • University of Pittsburgh (PA)

Given that clothing and textiles make up approximately 6.3% of the U.S. waste stream, University of Pittsburgh established a textile recycling program to help keep textiles in the circular economy. …

Moving from “Sustaina-splaining” to Inclusion: Three Practitioners’ Learning Journeys

  • University of California, Santa Cruz (CA)

These are photos to support the essay titled "Moving from “Sustaina-splaining” to Inclusion: Three Practitioners’ Learning Journeys" in the "No Sustainability Without Justice" essay series.

Citizen science sustainability at the University of Tasmania

  • University of Tasmania (TAS)

As part of her paid internship through the Sustainability Integration Program for Students (SIPS), Zoe Bucher-Edwards organised a wild pollinator count with the University of Tasmania's entemologist and PhD Candidate …

Pay As You Throw at Yale University

  • Yale University (CT)

In Spring 2019, Yale University launched a Pay As You Throw (PAYT) pilot program. PAYT is a materials management model where campus entities are charged for the amount of trash …

GVSU Sustainable Agriculture Project and New City Neighbors Partnership

  • Grand Valley State University (MI)

A 30 x 168 ft. Gothic-style hoophouse was being erected at Grand Valley State University’s Sustainable Agriculture Project on November 17, 2020. Employees from Nifty Hoops, New City Neighbors and …

Moving from “Sustaina-splaining” to Inclusion: Three Practitioners’ Learning Journeys

  • California State University, San Marcos (CA)
  • University of California, Santa Cruz (CA)

These are the image files for the graphics within this submission for the AASHE essay series "No Sustainability Without Justice". The essay title is: Moving from “Sustaina-splaining” to Inclusion: Three …

Farm Photos from Dickinson College

  • Dickinson College (PA)

Farming at Dickinson College

Archiving the Campus as Living Laboratory : Preserving a long memory for transformative change

  • University of Utah (UT)

This is part of the Campus as Lab webinar series. To see the full series visit our YouTube Channel.

Sustainable change on campus is often driven by student-led projects, project-oriented …

  • Posted July 26, 2021
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Creating or Improving Green Office and Lab Certification Programs: Best Practices

  • California State University, Stanislaus (CA)
  • Pennsylvania State University (PA)
  • The Ohio State University (OH)
  • AASHE (MA)

If your institution is considering creating a Green Office Certification Program (GOCP) or improving an existing one, you have company. In 2019, several universities and colleges were in the same …

  • Posted July 22, 2021
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Campus as Lab Webinar Series - 2021-5-14 - Archiving Campus Sustainability Efforts

  • University of Utah (UT)

This Campus as Lab webinar focuses on the University of Utah's efforts to create a campus wide hyper-local archive for sustainability knowledge that is available to all campus and community …

  • Posted July 14, 2021
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2020 Sustainable Career Panel Series: Corporate Sustainability

  • Villanova University (PA)

This panel series highlights the amazing work Villanova alumni are doing to create a sustainable future for all of us. The Corporate Sustainability panel will feature: Alex Floyd the Senior …

  • Posted June 10, 2021
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Villanova University 2020 Sustainable Career Panel Series: Under 30

  • Villanova University (PA)

This panel series highlights the amazing work Villanova alumni are doing to create a sustainable future for all of us. The Under 30 panel features: Kevin Corbusier a Sustainability Project …

  • Posted June 10, 2021
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Climate Friendly Cooling Pledge and New Regulations Affecting Universities: Opportunities and Implications

  • Bard College (NY)
  • Yale University (CT)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Project Drawdown (CA)
  • The Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development (DC)

Action is needed now by college staff in facilities, EHS, sustainability, student life, business offices, auxiliary services, housing, dining, planning, and procurement. Changes within all these staff areas to manage …

  • Posted June 3, 2021
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Understanding the factors influencing recycling behavior in college students: the role of interpersonal altruism and environmental concern

  • National Taichung University of Science and Technology
  • Ming Chuan University
  • National Quemoy University

The purpose of this study is to develop and empirically test a model that can predict factors affecting student recycling behavior. The theoretical model was based on motivation, place attachment, …

Exploring the Capacity of Canadian Intercollegiate Athletics Departments to Engage in Environmentally Sustainable Operations

  • University of Windsor (ON)

Despite an increased understanding about the role of sports in environmental sustainability (ES), little is known about the nature of ES operations in Canadian university athletics departments. The purpose of …

Defining Social Change as Social Action: HE's Role in Addressing Social Change

  • University of Greenwich

Recent resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement across the world is a reminder for HE institutions that we have a key role to play in enabling that our graduates …

Undergraduates in a Sustainability Semester: Models of social change for sustainability

  • Michigan State University (MI)

This was a qualitative case study aimed to understand the impact of sustainability education on undergraduate students after one term of course enrollment. It was found that while students’ models …

Farming on the Campus Quad

  • Duke University (NC)
  • Green Mountain College (VT)
  • University of Colorado Boulder (CO)
  • University of Massachusetts Amherst (MA)

This article covers how universities have promoted local and organic farming by giving their students land to grow their own gardens on campus.

Motivators of Attendance at Eco-Friendly Events

  • Iowa State University (IA)

This study identifies the factors that attract U.S. residents to eco-friendly events. To achieve our research objective, we obtained data (N = 1,115) from a cross-national, web-based survey distributed to …

Zero-Waste Planning at Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study of Western Kentucky University

  • Western Kentucky University (KY)

Over the past two decades, the number of universities that pursue zero-waste strategies has steadily increased. However, more study is required on several interrelated factors, policy barriers, and infrastructural fundamentals, …

The Living Building at Nuthatch Hollow | Binghamton University

  • Binghamton University (NY)

Binghamton University's Nuthatch Hollow is a hidden oasis just a short distance from campus. Professors Pam Mischen and Carl Lipo explain how this 75-acre property is ideal for the construction …

  • Posted May 26, 2021
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Climate Action at Lehigh: An Interview with Dave Pryor

  • Lehigh University (PA)

The Office of Sustainability of Office of Communications and Public Affairs come together to discuss how to bring more students and staff into the conversation of sustainability and spread awareness …

  • Posted May 26, 2021
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sustainability on campus

  • University of Twente

Climate change is an omnipresent topic nowadays, and for very good reason. So, what's the University of Twente doing about it within its premises? To find out, we talk to …

  • Posted May 26, 2021
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Earthfest 2020: Getting Involved with Sustainability on Campus

  • University of Michigan (MI)

The Student Sustainability Coalition (SSC), a student organization from the University of Michigan, created a fun guide for students on how to get involved in sustainability on campus. Take a …

  • Posted May 26, 2021
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This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

EN 1: Student Educators Program

EN 2: Student Orientation

EN 3: Student Life

EN 4: Student Life

EN 5: Student Life

EN 6: Assessing Sustainability Culture

EN 7: Employee Educators Program

EN 8: Employee Orientation

EN 9: Staff Professional Development & Training

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

Campus Engagement Partners