
945 resources

Are Electric Buildings a Feasible Carbon Neutrality Strategy?

  • University of California, Office of the President (CA)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (CA)

The path to campus carbon neutrality is becoming clearer: electrify everything and procure renewable electricity. Electrifying campus energy infrastructure is a complex undertaking that requires a significant financial investment. While …

  • Posted March 18, 2020
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Designing a Resilient Campus

  • APPA: Leadership in Educational Facilities (VA)

The term “resilience” has increasingly been heard in conferences, project proposals, design charrettes, or from emergency managers. This is an emerging hot topic for those who work within the built …

  • Posted March 6, 2020
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The relationship between energy use and space use of higher educational buildings in subtropical Australia

  • Griffith University (Queensland)

With an aim to understand the impact of a variety of space usage on the building energy consumption in university campuses, this study selected 122 university buildings located in subtropical …

  • Posted March 5, 2020
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Opportunities and Benefits of a University-Based Weatherization Assistance Program: The Case of Furman University's Community Conservation Corps

  • Furman University (SC)

Weatherization assistance programs have been in existence in the United States for decades, but they are commonly managed and implemented by local government organizations. Furman University, a small liberal arts …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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A review of empirical data of sustainability initiatives in university campus operations

  • University of Coimbra

Given the need to actively address the challenges of climate change, university leaders have a growing interest in reducing their campuses’ environmental impact. This article carries out a comprehensive literature …

  • Posted Feb. 10, 2020
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TrojanSense, a participatory sensing framework for occupant-aware management of thermal comfort in campus buildings

  • University of Southern California (CA)

This paper describes the development of TrojanSense, a participatory sensing framework developed to collect, analyze and report user assessments of thermal preference at the campus scale with room-level spatial resolution. …

  • Posted Feb. 10, 2020
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Strategies for thermal comfort in university buildings - The case of the faculty of architecture at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil

  • Universidade Federal da Bahia, Escola Politécnica (Bahia)

Buildings constructed according to bioclimatic architectural principles in amenable climates have often experienced posterior interventions that have closed ventilation openings for the installation of air conditioning units.

The present work …

  • Posted Feb. 10, 2020
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Accelerating the Circular Economy Through Commercial Deconstruction and Reuse

  • Google, Inc (CA)
  • Ellen MacArthur Foundation

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation and Google team up to explore how a circular economy approach can address the systemic challenges of reuse, particularly in the built environment.

Deconstruction presents a …

Environmental Design (BS)

  • University of Houston (TX)

The Bachelor of Science in environmental design follows many of the degree plans of architecture degrees with less of an emphasis on professional practice and more on an emphasis on …

  • Posted Dec. 6, 2019
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7th Workshop on Research for Sustainability: Investigating Mass Timber as Green Alternative

  • University of Arkansas (AR)

Wood is an age-old construction material, first used around ten centuries ago in the building of Neolithic long houses with crude joints that barely held up a roof. Today wood …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Improving Health in the Built Environment Through a Class-Based Approach to Chemicals of Concern

  • Harvard University (MA)
  • Center for Environmental Health

This panel introduces purchasers (and manufacturers) to the targeted chemical class-based approach to help provide clarity grounded in science about how to avoid the most common chemicals of concern in …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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From Zero Energy to Energy+: Community-University-Industry Partnerships for Sustainable Housing

  • Pennsylvania State University (PA)

From community design charrettes to international student design competitions, two housing research organizations at Penn State have collaborated with local affordable housing organizations and home builders to address long-term housing …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Achieving Resilient, Low Carbon Campuses via a Sustainable Economic Model

  • Pratt Institute (NY)

We are developing a Roadmap to achieve a resilient, low carbon campus as well as upgrade our infrastructure, and have been working to find private partners who can help us …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Building Envelope Energy Performance Ranking & Archetype Energy Models: A Case Study

  • Morrison Hershfield (ON)

The University of Victoria (UVic) is undergoing a capital planning process and commissioning a comprehensive building investigation to prioritize and plan envelope rehabilitation work across their portfolio, intending to incorporate …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Low Carbon Electrification

  • Thompson Rivers University (BC)
  • Creative Energy (BC)

As Institutions across North America continue to expand, they are struggling to meet greenhouse gas reduction targets due to the significant capital investments required for net zero construction. Many institutions …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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On the Cutting Edge: Great Results From New Approaches to Behavioral Change Cues

  • Stanford University (CA)
  • University of Washington, Seattle (WA)
  • Atrius (CA)
  • Kriegh Architecture Studios (WA)

The next frontier in energy efficiency is occupants and how they interact with the buildings. Once we have the prescriptive things like codes and building envelopes done, it's about how …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Understanding Decision Making for Building Energy Efficiency at a Higher Education Institution

  • University of Washington, Seattle (WA)

The built environment provides significant opportunities to lower greenhouse gas emissions by increasing energy efficiency (EE). In the United States, campuses have been major beneficiaries of EE programs and services. …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Campus Energy Master Planning: Innovations and Best Practices

  • Michigan State University (MI)
  • Stanford University (CA)
  • ICF International (VA)
  • United States Department of Energy (DC)

Hundreds of colleges and universities have publicly committed to carbon neutrality, with over 120 targets in the next 15 years. How are schools addressing often the largest source of emissions: …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Using Technology to Achieve Sustainability

  • University of Mississippi (MS)

Numerous academic and residential buildings, thousands of people subsisting together, and various facilities to support the establishment, it won't be wrong to compare a college campus to a small town. …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Energy Performance Improvement: Energy Savings and Occupant Awareness Program at Texas A&M University

  • Texas A&M University (TX)

Utilities & Energy Services (UES) Division at Texas A&M University strives to bridge the gap between implementing energy conservation measures and its success through increasing occupant engagement and empowerment. UES …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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An In-House Energy Dashboard: Challenges and Achievements from Oregon State University

  • Oregon State University (OR)

Digital energy dashboards have proven to be a convenient tool for energy data management, analysis and reporting. Dashboard software can be leveraged to not only support campus operations, but also …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Energizing a Growing Urban Campus: Taking Data to Implement Energy Savings & Sustainability at UW Tacoma

  • University of Washington, Tacoma (WA)
  • McKinstry (WA)

How do you take conventional building system surveys, upgrades and sub-metering data to the next level: comprehensive energy savings and genuine campus sustainability? How can you empower meaningful sustainability stewardship …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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What Good Looks Like: Creating a Center for Climate Resilience using the Living Community Challenge

  • San Francisco State University (CA)

San Francisco State University is redefining what it means to be an environmentally and socially resilient research university. At its campus in Tiburon, CA, SF State is striving for Living …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Sustainable Architecture and Initiatives: Lessons from Integrating Sustainability on Campus

  • University of Houston (TX)
  • Kirksey Architecture (TX)

University campuses are living laboratories -- testing grounds for sustainability strategies that can translate to the larger communities within which the campuses reside. For communities of all sizes, integrated sustainability …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Maximizing Campus Sustainability through Student/Staff-Driven Energy Efficiency and Engagement

  • Colorado School of Mines (CO)
  • McKinstry (WA)

Learn about driving behavioral/engagement strategies to increase campus sustainability from two universities leveraging energy-saving programs to accomplish this. These campuses are utilizing social science-based behavioral principles to break down barriers …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Wildlife and the Built Environment - JCCC Bird Collision Study Data, Mitigation, and Results

  • Johnson County Community College (KS)

Why do birds collide with windows? During the 2018 JCCC Bird Collision study we learned many of our buildings and elevated walkways have various issues that create hazards for birds. …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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What's the New Deal with Building 'Green' on Campus?

  • Michigan State University (MI)
  • Catalyst Partners (MI)

Many schools are leaning away from LEED and perhaps for good reason. Why? What are the challenges and are there alternatives to better suit campus strategies around green building. As …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Introducing Fitwel: Practical Applications & Learning Opportunities to Advance Campus Wellness

  • University of Alberta (AB)
  • Stantec Consulting, Ltd. (WA)

This session introduces Fitwel, a third-party health-focused rating system which utilizes evidence-based design approaches to promote positive health impacts across the built environment. Fitwel emerged at the same time as …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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How Sustainable & Integrated Design Supports the Vital Mission of the Knight Cancer Institute

  • Oregon Health & Science University (OR)
  • SRG Partnership, Inc (WA)
  • Brightworks Sustainability (OR)

Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) is one of the only universities in the U.S. devoted exclusively to educating medical and public health professionals. The ambitious mission of their new …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Reducing Energy Costs and Improving Sustainability while Improving Indoor Air Quality

  • Dynamic Air Quality Solutions (AR)

The lowest hanging fruit for energy-saving initiatives has been lighting. Today, designers are looking for other places to find savings. Air filtration and IAQ offer huge opportunities for energy efficiency. …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Design and Operational Consideration for Sustainable Maker Environments

  • Bohlin Cywinski Jackson (PA)

With the recent surge of interest surrounding the Maker Movement, many universities have allocated resources to developing their own maker spaces. The benefits of a maker education are vast, providing …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Smart Control Heating Ventilation and Cooling Systems on College Campuses

  • Appalachian State University (NC)

An in-depth look at Events2HVAC software and Smart HVAC system analysis regarding energy efficiency and economic viability on college campuses. Events2HVAC software integrates scheduling as building automation, allowing HVAC systems …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Institutional and Industry Partnership Yields Spokane's First Net Zero Energy Building

  • Eastern Washington University (WA)
  • McKinstry (WA)

Many higher education campuses across the globe are committing to sustainable operations with some charting pathways toward zero energy and net positive campuses. This session will highlight Eastern Washington University's …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Panel Primer: A How-To from Colleges and Universities that have Earned ENERGY STAR Certification

  • American University (DC)
  • Colorado State University (CO)
  • Texas A&M University (TX)
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (DC)

This focused panel session will bring to bear the experiences of a cross-section of colleges and universities that have earned ENERGY STAR certification for their buildings in the past few …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Are Electric Buildings a Feasible Carbon Neutrality Strategy?

  • Stanford University (CA)
  • University of California, Office of the President (CA)
  • University of California, Irvine (CA)
  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (CA)
  • EHDD (CA)

The path to campus carbon neutrality is becoming clearer: electrify everything and procure renewable electricity. Electrifying campus energy infrastructure is a complex undertaking that requires a significant financial investment. While …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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The Beneficial Intersections of Energy, Resilience, & Health

  • Stantec Consulting, Ltd. (WA)

How can three important elements of sustainable buildings - energy efficiency, resiliency, and health and wellness - be integrated for better overall outcomes? How can the returns of sustainable building …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Equity Drafting Table & Living Community Challenge: Tools for Engaging the Campus Community

  • Williams College (MA)
  • International Living Future Institute (WA)

Higher Education Campuses have been leaders in the creation of Living Buildings. Now they are becoming leaders in the creation of Living Campuses. By optimizing lessons learned from the Living …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Bentley University's LEED Platinum Ice Arena: A Business School's Teaching Tool

  • Bentley University (MA)
  • ARC Resources Ltd (AB)
  • Thornton Tomasetti (ME)

Bentley University's new, state-of-the-art ice arena hosts the university's NCAA Division I hockey team. The Bentley Arena has been dubbed the most sustainable standalone ice arena in the nation, earning …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Living Building Challenge in Higher Education Roundtable

  • International Living Future Institute (WA)

Higher education institutions around the country are pursuing the Living Building Challenge and Living Community Challenge - using the frameworks from ILFI to guide their sustainability efforts to go beyond …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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How will FDD change the way we think about maintenance?

  • CopperTree Analytics (WA)

It's easy to be tempted by new and shiny solutions - from cutting edge equipment to upgraded assets. But what if we're missing something - a solution that's humbler but …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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How 'Green' Can Green Cleaning Get? Strategies for Policy, Procurement, and Practice

  • University of California, Irvine (CA)
  • University of California, Merced (CA)
  • WAXIE Sanitary Supply (CA)

Waxie Sanitary Supply, the University of California, Irvine, and the University of California, Merced, are collaborating to build a more sustainable economy through green cleaning policies, procurement, and education. Implementing …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Residence Hall Kitchens: A Behavioral Design Approach to Sustainable Learning

  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (WI)

While programs such as LEED and WELL have provided clear architectural strategies for confronting issues of sustainability, this clarity has occluded the need for more comprehensive strategies that can address …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Defining the Finish Line: What a Circular Economy for Universities Should Look Like

  • Boston Architectural College (MA)
  • Ayers Saint Gross (MD)

Over the last few decades, we recognized the dire threat of climate change and created an agreed upon understanding of the risks buildings pose to student learning, health and performance. …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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The Road to Building a Zero Carbon Building

  • Mohawk College (ON)

In October 2016, Mohawk College broke ground on a one-of-a-kind net zero energy project and opened its doors in Fall 2018. The Joyce Centre for Partnership & Innovation at Mohawk …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Let’s Take the Climate Back

  • AASHE (MA)
  • Interface Global (GA)

According to research conducted by Interface and Net Impact, 95% of climate experts believe that it is possible to reverse global warming and 91% of young leaders agree. The reason …

  • Posted Nov. 13, 2019
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Utilizing Building Data for Modern Campus Sustainability

  • Wentworth Institute of Technology (MA)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Atrius (CA)

Debra Shepard, Principal at Riverstone Sustainability and Sustainability Advisor to Wentworth Institute of Technology, shares how the team has activated modern energy management practices to build a culture of sustainability …

  • Posted Sept. 26, 2019
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Implementing Energy Efficiency through Sub-meters

  • Macalester College (MN)
  • AASHE (MA)

Participants will learn how to begin sub-metering utilities on their campus and how this data can inform and justify not only the cost of the sub-meters, but of energy efficiency …

  • Posted Sept. 12, 2019
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Mohawk College SCI submission 2

  • Mohawk College (ON)

The Joyce Centre for Partnership and Innovation at Mohawk College is the first pilot project for The Canada Green Building Council® (CaGBC) Zero Carbon Building Program. This framework is Canada’s …

Mohawk College SCI submission 1

  • Mohawk College (ON)

The Joyce Centre for Partnership and Innovation at Mohawk College is the first pilot project for The Canada Green Building Council® (CaGBC) Zero Carbon Building Program. This framework is Canada’s …

Roux Center Tour Guides

  • Bowdoin College (ME)

During the busy opening weekend of Bowdoin's first LEED Platinum Building, The Roux Center for the Environment, sustainability tours were provided by Bowdoin EcoReps, identifiable by their green sash.

This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

OP 3: Building Design & Construction

OP 4: Building Design & Construction

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

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