
945 resources

Student Design Fund

  • University of Tennessee at Knoxville (TN)

The Student Design/Research Project Fund is a new and innovative sustainability project from the University of Tennessee. It created a pool of money to where applicants can apply for funding …

Art meets sustainability in new mural at Sheridan College

  • Sheridan College (Ontario) (ON)

On April 27, 2016 Sheridan College unveiled ‘Woven Stories’, a colourful, two-storey public art mural, on the western façade of the Rob Turner Building at its Davis Campus in Brampton, …

Building Sustainability: A holistic application of sustainable practices in UVA buildings

  • University of Virginia (VA)

Building Sustainability is a comprehensive model to building optimization that utilizes various programs based on the needs of each building. Utilizing the strengths of the Office for Sustainability’s retro-commissioning expertise …

Starting with small energy conservation projects leads to huge energy conservation success

  • University of Rochester (NY)

The University of Rochester has many competing demands for funding. In the early 2000’s energy projects were managed by individual facilities departments with typically less than $40,000 expended per year. …

Solar Energy Justice in Portland

  • Lewis & Clark College (OR)

Project Description We are two Environmental Studies majors pursuing a project to put solar panels on affordable housing in Portland. We are working with Central City Concern (CCC) to put …

Study to Reduce Peak Electrical Demand Charges for the John C. Hodges Library

  • University of Tennessee at Knoxville (TN)

The goal of this project is to design electrical and thermal storage systems that will reduce electrical consumption during periods of peak demand and thereby save the University money in …

NC State University Facilities, Academic Affairs Collaborate For Summer Energy Savings

  • North Carolina State University (NC)

A hot, humid North Carolina summer isn’t when you might expect NC State University to save nearly $900 a day in avoided energy costs. But thanks to a new initiative, …

A Strategy for Energy Performance Analysis at the Early Design Stage: Predicted vs. Actual Building Energy Performance

  • University of Massachusetts Amherst (MA)

Developments in information technology are providing methods to improve current design practices, where uncertainties about various design elements can be simulated and studied from the design inception. Energy and thermal …

Going Geothermal: The Project Dedication Video

  • Ball State University (IN)

True to our tradition of innovation, Ball State continues to be revolutionary and responsible. We are creating the nation's largest ground-source, closed-loop district geothermal energy system, benefiting both the economy …

  • Posted May 13, 2016
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M. Arch. with a Concentration in Sustainable Architecture

  • California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (CA)

The Concentration builds on the regular M.Arch I curriculum, with specialized sustainable architecture classes in the advanced studio and elective course offerings. The subject matter is designed to give students …

  • Posted April 29, 2016
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PACES: A Physical Activity Campus Environmental Supports Audit on University Campuses

  • University of Florida (FL)
  • Kansas State University (KS)
  • Purdue University (IN)
  • South Dakota State University (SD)
  • Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Central Office (NJ)
  • Syracuse University (NY)
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison (WI)
  • East Carolina University (NC)
  • University of Rhode Island (RI)
  • Michigan State University (MI)
  • West Virginia University (WV)
  • University of Maine (ME)
  • University of New Hampshire (NH)

Purpose. This study evaluated the policy and built and recreation environmental supports for physical activity on 13 university campuses.

Design. Environmental audit survey.

Setting. Thirteen U.S. universities, 2009.

Subjects. University …

  • Posted April 28, 2016
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Minor in Sustainable Design

  • Pennsylvania College of Technology (PA)

This minor requires 6 courses, including Building Materials I, Sustainability: Building and Living Green, Passive Design and BIM, and 3 sustainable design minor electives.

  • Posted April 26, 2016
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Building Science and Sustainable Design (BS)

  • Pennsylvania College of Technology (PA)

The Bachelor of Science degree in Building Science and Sustainable Design promotes a healthier, more energy efficient way to build which reduces negative environmental impacts and slows the depletion of …

  • Posted April 26, 2016
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National Sustainable Structures Center

  • Pennsylvania College of Technology (PA)

NSSC (formerly the Weatherization Training Center) was established in 1985 as a result of a partnership between Penn College and the PA Department of Community & Economic Development. NSSC’s mission …

  • Posted April 26, 2016
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Institute for Sustainable Design

  • Cooper Union (NY)

The Cooper Union Institute for Sustainable Design seeks to provide the greater Cooper Union community—architects, engineers and artists—with the cross-disciplinary knowledge and skills that are necessary to create a sustainable …

  • Posted April 26, 2016
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Going Geothermal At Ball State University

  • Ball State University (IN)

Ball State University has created the nation’s largest ground-source, closed-loop district geothermal energy system, benefiting the statewide social, economic and environmental context.

The system’s implementation demonstrates that geothermal energy storage …

  • Posted April 26, 2016
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Rutgers Center for Green Building

  • Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick Campus (NJ)

Housed at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, the Rutgers Center for Green Building, forms a common umbrella for existing and proposed initiatives being carried out …

  • Posted April 25, 2016
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Are Employers Seeking Sustainability Literate Graduates?

  • Higher Education Academy (York)

Using structured questionnaires and follow-­up semi‐structured telephone interviews, this study seeks to establish to what extent adoption of the sustainability agenda within higher education and built environment organisations is being …

  • Posted April 15, 2016
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LEED Certification of Campus Buildings - A Cost-Benefit Approach

This is the first comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) buildings certified within the higher education sector. 16 institutions of higher education (IHEs) were surveyed …

  • Posted April 14, 2016
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Center for Energy Research/Education/Service

  • Ball State University (IN)

The Center for Energy Research/Education/Service (CERES) at Ball State University, is an interdisciplinary academic support unit focused on issues related to energy and resource use, alternatives and conservation. As described …

  • Posted April 12, 2016
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ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (DC)

ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager is an online tool you can use to measure and track energy and water consumption, as well as greenhouse gas emissions. Use it to benchmark the …

New Energy for Campuses: Energy-Saving Policies for Colleges and Universities

  • Energy Action Coalition

New Energy for Campuses highlights more than 30 universities in 24 states that have implemented a range of programs including improving the energy efficiency of classrooms, putting solar panels on …

  • Posted March 28, 2016
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Leading Techniques for Energy Savings in Colleges and Universities

  • Schneider Electric (TX)

This paper describes how building automation products and services can reduce energy costs at colleges and universities. It outlines proven techniques to achieve energy conservation results with an attractive return …

  • Posted March 28, 2016
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Connecting Sustainability with Design and Construction: The Project Managers Professional Development Program

  • Ohio University (OH)

The Office of Sustainability at Ohio University realized there was a disconnect between our office and others on campus that play direct roles in the sustainability of the institution. In …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Building Sustainability: A Holistic Approach to Evaluations and Retrofits

  • University of Virginia (VA)

This case study will focus on a replicable model of how a technically-focused retro-commissioning and energy/water reduction program for individual existing buildings can be expanded into a holistic and cost-effective …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Reimagining the 21st Century Research Library

  • BNIM Architects (MO)
  • Integral Group (CA)

The university is transforming; the ivory tower is shifting towards a porous campus. How do you transform a library of books into a trans-disciplinary hub for collaboration and innovation? As …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Sustainability Challenges and Triumphs at a West African University: Waste, Water, Energy Land, and New Construction

  • American University of Nigeria (Adamawa,)

Sustainability has been a high priority at the American University of Nigeria (AUN),for more than three years.The fastest progress has been in waste management; AUN was spending more than $4000/month …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Net Zero Energy: The Growing National Landscape + Profiles from Three Institutions

  • Cornell University (NY)
  • Washington University in St. Louis (MO)
  • Sasaki Associates, Inc. (MA)

Net zero energy (NZE) buildings are becoming more prevalent through advancements in design, construction, technology, and building operations. The last five years have been a significant period of growth, with …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Living Buildings as Inspirational Catalysts

  • University of British Columbia (BC)
  • Simon Fraser University (BC)
  • Hellmuth + Bicknese Architects (MO)
  • International Living Future Institute (WA)

Living Buildings must not only meet rigorous performance standards for net-positive energy & water, healthy environments and elimination of toxic materials, they also provide feedback to their community to teach, …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Zero Net Energy Tiny Houses: A Campus Sustainable Housing Solution

  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)

The THIMBY (Tiny House in My Backyard) Student Group from UC Berkeley will be presenting on the design process of building a pilot, zero net energy tiny house on a …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Implementing the LEED Lab Program on Your Campus: Exploring Different Contexts

  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (WI)
  • U.S. Green Building Council (DC)

This session will address planning, implementing, and executing a LEED Lab program on campus while engaging as many stakeholders as possible. LEED Lab is a multidisciplinary immersion course utilizing the …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Building Better Homes: University of Arizona’s Residential Sustainability Program

  • University of Arizona (AZ)

This presentation is focused on residential education. Components of the University of Arizona's (UA) on-campus sustainability program will be briefly discussed. The presenters will specifically discuss replicable and successful UA …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Using LEED-EBOM 4 for Smeal Business Building and LEED Campus to Launch LEED for the Pennsylvania State University Park Campus

  • Pennsylvania State University (PA)
  • Leonardo Academy (WI)

This presentation addresses how a campus can use the implementation of LEED-EBOM version 4 for one building and LEED Campus to launch LEED campus wide. The project shows how undergraduate …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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LED-ing the way to greenhouse gas reduction goals

  • New York University (NY)

Are you 'in the dark' about LED lighting? It's the next best thing in energy efficient lighting that can achieve energy savings of 80-90%. The switch to LEDs as a …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Tinkham Veale University Center - A Beacon of Student Activity and Sustainability at Case Western Reserve University

  • Case Western Reserve University (OH)
  • Perkins+Will (NY)

In 2011 Case Western Reserve University and Perkins+Will began the process that would ultimately result in the completion of the Tinkham Veale University Center. Both CWRU and Perkins+Will brought strong …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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The Tiny House at the Tiny College: Design and Assessment of Sustainable Micro-Housing Alternatives

  • Randolph College (VA)

The 'Tiny House' movement is an architectural and social phenomenon that promotes simple living in small homes. Depending on the design, a Tiny House may offer a sustainable housing option …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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A Better Business Building' - Penn State and Leonardo Academy Connect Students, Faculty, and Facilities through LEED for Existing Buildings and LEED Campus

  • Pennsylvania State University (PA)
  • Leonardo Academy (WI)

Learn how students, faculty, and facility management staff worked together to transform the sustainability of the Smeal Business Building at Penn State through LEED-EBOM. The project served as a model …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Making Green Cleaning Stick: The Journey to Green Seal Standards

  • Muskegon Community College (MI)
  • Western Michigan University (MI)

LEED V4 now recognizes custodial programs certified under one of the following: Green Seal's Environmental Standard for Commercial Cleaning Services (GS-42); or International Sanitary Supply Association (ISSA) Cleaning Industry Management …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Greening the Sciences at Colorado College

  • Colorado College (CO)

As members of the Sustainability Council at Colorado College, we learned that science buildings use far more energy for their size than other buildings on a college campus. So we …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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How Connected Buildings Close The Gap Between People and Technology and Enable Opportunities for Energy Efficiency

  • Atrius (CA)

People spend 90% of their lives in buildings, which are responsible for the consumption of two-thirds of the world's electricity. Yet the technologies we use to manage buildings today continue …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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ENOS, is an energy Operating System, that integrates Big Data, Open Source Software and Hardware and the Internet of Things.

  • Amzur Technologies (FL)

Historically utility billing, campus infrastructure, Building Management Systems and Sustainability Reporting have consisted of siloed data and information systems and distinct stakeholders that rarely share a common understanding of organizational …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Heating Up Sustainable Design on a Small College Campus: Designing an Educational and Functional Net-Zero Warming Hut

  • Carleton College (MN)

In the winter term of 2014, Carleton College developed a class entitled 'Systems Approaches to Sustainability' to merge a variety of perspectives in sustainability and teach interdisciplinary, systems thinking when …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Cross-Cultural Collaboration and Life Long Learning inspired by a Sustainable Building Course in Costa Rica

  • Colorado State University (CO)

This case study introduces a study-abroad program in Costa Rica, which focuses on Sustainable Building Practices. During the past two years, Colorado State University (CSU) and EARTH University formed a …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Tiny House College Life: No Dorm, No Debt, No Environmental Degradation

  • Green Mountain College (VT)

Why wait to be sustainable? Why pay excessive room and board while having a stagnant, unyielding carbon footprint? The tiny house movement is growing in strength as this life style …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Lessons from Germany to the US 4: Building Standards

  • Grinnell College (IA)

What is a 'green' building exactly, and why is it important to build in this way? Colleges and universities possess limited funds, and must consider many issues and interest groups …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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The Trans-formative Power of the Living Building Challenge

  • Natural Sustainability (MA)

Presented by a certified ambassador of the ILFI, this session will introduce the Living Building Challenge and provide for questions & discussion. The Living Building Challenge is the built environment's …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Accepting the Challenge: Living Building Challenge in Higher Education

  • Hampshire College (MA)
  • Smith College (MA)
  • Williams College (MA)

Living Building Challenge is a relatively new sustainable building standard launched in 2006 with the purpose of raising the bar in green building. In the words of LBC, it challenges …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Diverse Perspectives: The University of Utah’s Innovative Law School

  • University of Utah (UT)
  • SmithGroup (MI)

On completion in March 2015, the University of Utah SJ Quinney College of Law’s 156,000 SF new building will represent an entirely new development in legal education that will offer …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Knight Law Center: A Case for LEED EBOM on Campus

  • University of Oregon (OR)

In 2011, the University of Oregon began the process of certifying an existing facility using LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance (EBOM). Many campuses across the United States have …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Building a Strong Core: Sustainability in a University Sports Complex

  • University of Denver (CO)

The Daniel L. Ritchie Center for Sports and Wellness at the University of Denver opened in 1999 and is a 440,000 square foot athletics, recreation and entertainment complex. Directly to …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

OP 3: Building Design & Construction

OP 4: Building Design & Construction

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

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