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54 resources

Decolonising the design curriculum: making “sustainability” accessible, understandable and practicable to second-year undergraduate architecture students

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

Purpose: This paper describes the curriculum design of an architectural studio course aimed at making concepts of sustainability accessible, understandable and practicable to second-year undergraduate students. Architectural education and design …

  • Posted June 15, 2023
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Shooting for the STARS in Australasia and Helping Improve Global Application

  • University of Queensland (QLD)
  • University of Tasmania (TAS)

Three Australasian universities recently submitted their first STARS report, each achieving a Silver rating after many lessons learned as new participants in the self-reporting framework. Each university is now working …

  • Posted May 17, 2023
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Environmental Science (Honors) BS

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours) is a four-year program that teaches how to describe, monitor and predict environmental processes and the effects of human activity on physical and biological …

  • Posted June 10, 2022
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Environmental Management (Honors) BS

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Bachelor of Environmental Management (Honours) is an interdisciplinary program that examines the complex web of social, political, cultural, economic and ecological factors that shape the field of environmental management. …

  • Posted June 10, 2022
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Marine Science

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

Marine science is the scientific study of our oceans and coastal habitats, and includes a wide range of disciplines in the biological, chemical, physical and Earth sciences. Students can pursue …

  • Posted June 10, 2022
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Ecology and Conservation

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Ecology and Conservation major focuses on the relationships between plant and animal species in their natural environments. It considers how environmental change and human activities affect their populations, and …

  • Posted June 10, 2022
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Master of Environmental Management

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

Environmental Management is the planning and implementation of actions geared to improve the quality of the human environment. The postgraduate programs in environmental management at the University of Queensland are …

  • Posted June 10, 2022
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Master of Sustainable Energy (Management)

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

This program is designed to address complex problems across disciplines and equip you with the knowledge and skills to progress to leadership positions in the energy sector. Local, regional, national …

  • Posted June 10, 2022
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Master of Conservation Biology

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

This program provides a comprehensive education in the ecosystems and evolutionary potential of the world's flora and fauna. High-level coursework covers all aspects of biodiversity and conservation, environmental philosophy, national …

  • Posted June 10, 2022
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Organisational Sustainability

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

Sustainable business management is crucially important for success in a future characterised by physical (natural), market, economic, legal and social uncertainty. Transformation will be necessary to meet the risks, realise …

  • Posted June 10, 2022
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Sustainable Energy Field of Study

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Sustainable Energy field of study caters to students seeking knowledge and application of innovative solutions to the energy grand challenges facing organisations and society. Options available in this field …

  • Posted June 10, 2022
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Social Learning of Sustainability in a Pandemic—Changes to Sustainability Understandings, Attitudes, and Behaviors during the Global Pandemic in a Higher Education Setting

  • University of Queensland (QLD)
  • University of Klagenfurt

When people learn from each other and change their behavior accordingly, this is called social learning. COVID-19 not only taught us new habits to limit contagion, imposed restrictions also limited …

University contributions to co-creating sustainable tourism destinations

  • University of Queensland (QLD)
  • University of Gothenburg
  • Universita' di Macerata

A debate is emerging about the evolving functions and roles of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). New functions pivot on value-adding to the social, environmental and economic sustainability of communities – …

64 MW Warwick Solar Farm

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

Q's 64 megawatt Warwick Solar farm is powering UQ to be 100 per cent renewable.

Fast facts - Over 200,000 solar panels - Clean energy generated is sufficient to power …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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28.8 kW Roof Top Mount Pinjarra Hills

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

Situated in Queensland's beautiful rural landscape, the Pinjarra Hills campus is a 282-hectare site where varied research activities take place.

The first solar pv system of this site was installed …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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12.6 kW Roof Top Mount Research Laboratories

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The roof-top PV installation on the research laboratories is similar to that located on the teaching block: a 12.6 kWp array with panels mounted parallel to the roof.

Electrical power …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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16.8 kW Roof Top Mount Boat Shed

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The boatshed has 16.8 kWp of roof mounted PV panels. The panels are installed parallel with the low angle roof line and are arranged symmetrically either side of the roof's …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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25.2 kW Roof Top Mount Administration and Teaching Facility

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The administration and teaching blocks each have a 12.6 kWp roof-mounted PV array making the total installation 25.2 kWp.

Modules are installed parallel with the roof on the teaching block. …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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226.5 kW Roof Top Mount PACE

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Pharmacy Australia Centre of Excellence (PACE) Institute is UQ's core learning precinct for pharmaceutical sciences and research.

This centre hosts seminar rooms, state-of-the-art laboratories as well as specialised training …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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40 kW Roof Top Mount Moreton Bay Research Station

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Moreton Bay Research Station (MBRS) is on the Moreton Bay side of North Stradbroke Island, in the community of Dunwich.

A 40 kWp rooftop PV system was installed on …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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102.5 kW Roof Top Mount Library Warehouse Building 8248

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Gatton Libray Warehouse is a state of the art environmentally-controlled facility built to store and safeguard key bibliographic material (e.g. books, journals, documents and archives). Its 102.5 kWp PV …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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25 kW Roof Top Mount Electrical Substation Building 8167

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

Gatton's Building 8167 is an important element in the campus infrastructure.

It houses a major electrical substation and shelters a vital back-up power generator. Its location and orientation makes it …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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630 kW Single-Axis Tracking Array Gatton Solar Research Facility

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The 630kW single-axis tracking array is made up of PV panels mounted on a single axis that tilts from east to west throughout the day to maximise energy output.

While …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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630 kW Fixed-Tilt Array Gatton Solar Research Facility

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The fixed-tilt arrays make up the majority of PV panels in the Gatton Solar Research Facility.

It comprises of three identical 630 kW systems: the west array, the centre array …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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630 kW Dual-Axis Tracking Array Gatton Solar Research Facility

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The 630kW dual-axis tracking array comprises of 160 individual trackers, each with a peak output power of 4.275 kW.

These trackers are capable of a 340-degree slewing motion and 180-degree …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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164 kW Roof Top Mount Warehouse Building (No. 99)

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

As well as providing key storage and logistical services, the Warehouse Building (No.99) has also become provider of renewable energy and a vital link for green transport on the St …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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40.2 kW Roof Top Mount Upland Road Clinics Complex

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Upland Road Clinics Complex is fitted with a 40.2 kW in solar PV array.

The seven systems comprising this PV installation were installed with great care to protect the …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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443 kW Roof Top Mount UQ Centre

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The 433kWp PV installation at the UQ Centre is the largest on campus.

The centre's extensive, gently sloping roof area, which is free of obstructions, as well as the location …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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89.76 kW Roof Top Mount Sir Llew Edwards Building

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Sir Llew Edwards Building has several features including water harvesting, strategic shading and a substantial photovoltaic installation.

Most of the solar panels on the building's roof are laid flat …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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34.66 kW Roof Top Mount Queensland Bioscience Precinct

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Queensland Bioscience Precinct (QBP) is a collaborative research facility dedicated to human, animal and plant biotechnological research.

With a footprint of 35,000 square meters, the QPB comprises four large …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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13.4 kW Roof Top Mount Prentice Building

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Prentice Building accommodates the university's Information Technology Service and Property and Facilities Division and is the site of the main data centre on the St Lucia Campus.

The building …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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15.23 kW Roof Top Mount Pedestrian Link Bridge

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Pedestrian Link Bridge demonstrates how walkways and pedestrian infrastructure can play an important role in UQ’s shift to more sustainable energy.

The bridge provides a covered walkway for pedestrians …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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339 kW Roof Top Mount Multi Level Carpark 2

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

This is the second of two nearly identical buildings. Almost 339 kWP of PV has been installed on its undulating roof. Some panels have been laid flat on the roof …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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339 kW Roof Top Mount Multi Level Carpark 1

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

This is one of two nearly identical multilevel car parking buildings. Its near flat roof and absence of shading structures often found on other buildings, such as exhaust cowls and …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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42.25 kW Roof Top Mount Learning and Innovation Building

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Learning and Innovation Building (LIB) is UQ's hub for technology-assisted learning.

In keeping with the university's sustainability goals, the building was designed with cutting-edge green design features, including a …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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54.3 kW Roof Top Mount Joyce Ackroyd Building

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Joyce Ackroyd Building building has a PV system which is capable of producing up to 80,000 kWh of clean energy a year.

The 54.3 kWp system of the GP …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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116.5 kW Roof Top Mount John Hines & Physiology Lecture Theatre Buildings

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The John Hines and Physiology Lecture Theatre buildings jointly feature a 116.5 kWp solar PV system.

This PV installation has been equipped with power optimisers designed to improve power output …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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133.62 kW Roof Top Mount James and Mary Emelia Mayne Centre

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Mayne Centre building houses the UQ Art Museum. As well as being home to more than 4000 museum pieces, the building is also renowned for its award-wining architecture.

The …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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138 kW Roof Top Mount Global Change Institute Building

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Global Change Institute (GCI) living building is UQ's flagship sustainability project, providing a focal point for the university’s initiative in sustainable education and research.

The GCI building has been …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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66.5 kW Roof Top Mount General Purpose South Building

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The General Purpose South building is fitted-out with a 66.5 kWp solar PV system.

This installation and the re-commissioning of HVAC and hot water systems, have led to a 50% …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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66.5 kW Roof Top Mount General Purpose North 3 Building

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The General Purpose North 3 Building has a 66.5 kWp PV system, one of several initiatives aimed at reducing the building's carbon footprint.

With 266 PV modules occupying a roof …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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8.4 kW Concentrating Photovoltaic Array

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The 6 x 7 metre Solar Focus, or Concentrating Array, has 560 parabolic mirror units that target and concentrate sunlight several hundred-fold onto high efficiency, triple junction solar cells.

A …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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51.5 Roof Top Mount Colin Clark Building

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Colin Clark building has been fitted with a 51.5 kWp solar PV system.

With this installation, all suitable building rooftops within the commerce precinct of the St Lucia campus …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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34.32 kW Roof Top Mount Axon Building

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Axon Building (No. 47) is now part of the wider sustainable energy network at UQ.

With most of its T8 light fittings retrofitted with energy saving LEDs and the …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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95.75 kW Roof Top Mount Advanced Engineering Building

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The Advanced Engineering Building (AEB) achieves a high standard in ecological sustainability.

The energy efficient mixed-mode air conditioning system allows natural ventilation during cooler periods supplemented with tempered air, precooled …

  • Posted Dec. 17, 2021
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University of Queensland Wellbeing at work

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

UQ yoga class on campus

UQ 64MW Warwick Solar Farm, Grazing residential sheep

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

Sheep grazing and tending the grounds at the University of Queensland's own 64 MW Warwick Solar Farm.

UQ 64MW Warwick Solar Farm, Relief from the rain

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

The University of Queensland's own residential sheep taking shelter from the rain at the 64MW solar farm. They are on a break from maintenance tasks where they mow and weed …

UQ Warwick Solar Farm

  • University of Queensland (QLD)

Aerial view of the University of Queensland's own 64 megawatt Warwick Solar Farm. The wholly university owned farm is powering UQ to be 100% renewable.

‘Business as Usual’: Critical Management Studies and the Case of Environmental Sustainability Education

  • University of Queensland (QLD)
  • University of South Australia

The inclusion of sustainability and ethics teachings in management education for many seems a positive step forward for creating more environmentally just and ethically sound managers. However, the type of …

  • Posted April 22, 2021
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