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9 resources

Student Led Governance of a Campus Community Permaculture Garden at a Liberal Arts University

  • St. Lawrence University (NY)

This case-study supports the implementation and social investment in university campus community gardens as an interdisciplinary resource for academic research, extra-curricular activities, and community building. Using a permaculture design model, …

  • Posted June 15, 2023
  • Publications
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St. Lawrence University Green Café Farm To Table Course

  • St. Lawrence University (NY)

St. Lawrence University's student-run Green café class is a collaborative and multi-stakeholder venture with Dining Services, Seed to Table (student food justice club), undergraduates from across disciplines, and three generations …

Earth Week at St. Lawrence University

  • St. Lawrence University (NY)

This year, nearly a dozen student organizations came together to celebrate Earth Week with several campus events. The week started on Tuesday, April 16th with Mt. Trashmore, an art installation …

  • Posted April 29, 2019
  • Photographs
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Resilience Bootcamp - Turning Threats into Opportunities

  • Rochester Institute of Technology (NY)
  • St. Lawrence University (NY)
  • Second Nature (MA)

Resilience is a hot topic for those who work within the campus operational and built environment. But what does it really mean for a campus community and how does it …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
  • Conference Presentations
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Sustainability Program

  • St. Lawrence University (NY)

The Sustainability Program is a living-learning community at SLU’s Sustainability Farm, where you will live with other students committed to creating a more sustainable world. Students will live and work …

  • Posted Jan. 25, 2018
  • Academic Programs
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Conservation Biology

  • St. Lawrence University (NY)

Conservation Biology majors 1) gain knowledge about fundamental principles important to the conservation of global biodiversity, 2) learn the particular methods associated with biodiversity conservation, 3) develop an appreciation for …

  • Posted Jan. 25, 2018
  • Academic Programs
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Environmental Studies (BA)

  • St. Lawrence University (NY)

Environmental Studies stand alone major (B.A.) is for students who wish to concentrate their efforts in environmental studies. This major is tailored to individual interests and emphasizes depth in selected …

  • Posted Jan. 25, 2018
  • Academic Programs
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1.6 MW Hydro Purchase from King’s Fall Hydroelectric Facility

  • St. Lawrence University (NY)

In 2015, St. Lawrence University signed a long-term agreement with Gravity Renewables that allowed for the refurbishment and repair of the King’s Fall Hydroelectric Facility in Lewis County. That facility, …

  • Posted Jan. 2, 2018
  • Green Power Projects
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A Big Hairy Audacious Goal: Marketing University Sustainability Credentials

  • University of Leeds (West Yorkshire)
  • St. Lawrence University (NY)
  • Ithaca College (NY)
  • University of Plymouth (Devon)
  • Bradford University (West Yorkshire)
  • Northland College (WI)
  • College of the Atlantic (ME)
  • University of Gloucestershire (Gloucestershire)

This paper explores the potential recruitment and retention benefits arising from the marketing of University of Plymouth’s sustainability credentials. It attempts this by:

  • reviewing academic and professional literature on higher …
  • Posted June 27, 2016
  • Publications
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